I love you...

Namaste  everyone,
I love You....
These three words are the world's  best three words for everybody in this world..
These words contain the power to genrate immense  happiness and content in any individual..This feeling  of being  loved is ecstatic,no words can explain it...
I love you... these pious  words should be said with utmost responsibility ,sincerity ,honesty and commitment...because these words that bring immense  emotional satisfaction in one's  life can also easily devastate that person if said without purity..
Love is something that we feel every moment ,it not only gives us happiness  but motivation  to live ...to achieve our goals and follow our dreams with much more intensity and zeal because  we want to achieve  everything for our partners or loved ones..
Love is something  we ordinary  people live for as we donot  have anything else..
Everybody  knows the importance  of love in our lifes and the feelings  associated  with them..love brings changes to our lives..sometimes positive  sometimes negative...
Love is a purity of feelings..Love is bliss..It is something  to which our soul feels connected...Being loved takes us to cloud nine.. To have someone  who  really loves you is a real God's  grace and can not be  replaced by anything in this world...
Dear readers,falling in love is easy ,but keeping up with Love is a responsibility that needs to be fulfilled  with utmost sincerity  and honesty  each and every moment...
Love motivates us to carry on because we have someone who really loves us no matter what..
Love is definitely  not something to be taken for granted because it  involves people and their intense emotions..
Life without love lacks meaning ,achievements donot make any sense  if we do not have anybody to share our happiness  and sorrows  with..Love is everything  for any emotional person..
Nowdays people  contaminate  this pure feeling  with infidelity , disrespect and distrust...
Finding a loved one who really loves is a real gift of God..but people  sometimes  simply donot care and make other materialistic  things their priority  over love..
I know keeping  on in Love is not at all easy..but it is definitely worth it because you are doing it for someone  who really loves you..
Love should not be under the bondages of any conditions like:
  • If you change  for me ,I will love you .
  • If you become  successful, I will love you.
  • If you change your habits, I will love you.
  • If you change your looks , I will love you.
  • If you leave your parents and friends ,I will love you.
  • If you leave your career ,I will love you..
  • If you have money , I will love you..

No conditions  can ever define a relationship.. Changing a person for loving them doesnot make sense..It is forcing someone  into a relationship ..It appears as if
"If you stop being you, I will love you.. "
This is also true that people do change and sacrifice  a lot for love ..but they  do it out of love and not as a condition  to continue  the relationship..
Love is to accept  our partner  with all their negatives  and positive..
Nobody is perfect...Love should complete both the partners..Love is not 100% compatibility , it is  100% commitment  and honesty..
In Love we do not bargain that you give this  and I will give you that..
Love may appear senseless  and stupid to others but for the partners involved  it is definitely everything...  Please donot lose pure love just for small pleasures of cheating or being dishonest or even being disrespectful  to your partner...It will not take you anywhere..In the end you will be left alone with absolutely  nothing...💞💞

Expectations...the real culprit.

Namaste everyone,
Expectations are the real culprit  in any relationship.. As long as our expectations  are met or I should  say we keep on meeting  other person's  expectations  everything goes well in a relationship... Nobody even bothers  or even pays attention  to the fact that many a times people's  expectations  from their partners are unreal or way too much for a normal person..More importantly  people expect things from their partners ,which they are not even willing to reciprocate...
Relationship are so important for every human being in this world that sometimes we are ready to even compromise  our priorities, our interests,our ego,our career and sometimes even our self respect  for the sake of continuing  the relationship...
Giving our best in a  relationship and sacrificing  our own priorities  is common in a healthy  relationship ...After all a relationship is all about love , care ,respect,trust and sacrifice...Most people do it willingly  and happily...
The problem arises when we expect all the wrong things from the wrong person...Mostly ordinary  people are very wrong in judging  people.. Expectations  doesnot make any  sense in the following  cases:

  • If we expect true love from a person who doesn't even love you..
  • If we expect truth from a person who lies so easily all the time..
  • If we expect  loyalty from a person  who has cheated earlier also...
  • If you expect a person  to give you the first priority who never ever gave you any priority..
  • If we expect  respect  from a person  who has disrespected you publicly..
  • If you expect care and attention from a person who is least bothered about you..
  • If you expect a person to understand your silence if he or she never even bothered about what you told them directly..
  • If you expect a person to stand by your side who was never present in your difficult times...
  • If you expect emotional support  from a person who is not even bothered about how are you..or how are you feeling?
  • If you expect a phone call from a person who never even bothers to reply to your message or even never calls  back even after seeing your missed call..
  • If you expect a person to share  his or her real feelings with you but he himself never shares even little little things with you..
  • If you expect a person to not have any secrets between you and him but has himself kept everything password protected..

The list is endless.. Evidently the thing is expecting wrong things from the wrong person....The success of a relationship  is dependent on both the partners..not one..If one is willing to go beyond limits  for the success of a relationship  but  for the other, relationship itself is not of much importance..or rather takes it so lightly or for granted..that relationship can be dragged but not for a longer period...and is definitely  not healthy for the one who is totally involved  or I should  say emotionally dependent  on the realationship..
Dear readers,Relationships are a thing to be cherished and loved.
Relationships are not burdens..I personally  feel they are the gifts of God for us..without them we feel incomplete and definitely  lonely..we should  nurture them with love ,respect and care..but definitely  not at the cost of losing our selfrespect.. The total ignorance  of one of the partner or using people in relationships  is not at all acceptable...

How long we should wait to get success?

Namaste  everyone,
Most of the people of this world are not pretty much as successful  as the other remaining 1% of the population..Although most of them work hard towards their goals or dreams and  wait for real success  in life..For some people the wait is for almost a life time..and people continue to live with their ordinary lives waiting for success.
The definition  of success is also pretty much different for everybody because some people crave for money , some for career and status , some crave for health, some crave for family and loved ones..
Whatever may be the meaning of success for individuals,it is definitely  important...and waiting for it is although normal...It is also a fact that," Wait should  be combined with continuous  hard work and endless efforts.." but thing that bothers me is that  for  how long we ordinary  people should  be waiting for success  or at least something  to click or work in our favours..
Being ordinary this wait is no doubt the most difficult part for us,because we spent all our lives achieving  absolutely  nothing for ourselves..but now that we somehow  gathered courage to make a new start ,despite of  hard work,  this endless wait is really very very confidence  breaking and disappointing..
It may not matter for successful people who have many accomplishments in  their  professional  as well as personal life..but for ordinary people who have nothing much and all their hopes lies on  a single endeavour, waiting for success is really difficult..People donot have any idea , how difficult  it  is  for ordinary people to make a new beginning..It always seems impossible  for ordinary people to make a new start  because all their lives they have over powered themselves with the feelings  of unworthiness ,low self confidence and self esteem..
It is real difficult  to first cross  the mental barrier..On the top of that ordinary  people also had a lot of insecurities  which they somehow overcame to restart..but hurdles appear to be never ending and waiting for success  is really  detrimental  to their confidence  levels..
It is definitely  not easy...
Dear readers ,I  donot know why I am not able to figure out  a timeline for this ..Struggle  appears to be never ending..We all very well know that  achieving success  is not easy and is definitely  not a one day game..It requires constant  and continuous  hard work..but nobody knows for how long the ordinary people have to keep  their spirits high even in absence of any positive  results..
In the absence  of positive  outcomes it will definitely  become very difficult  for anybody to continue  putting efforts..but one point  that I am getting here is we can not stop even in the absence  of results..Let me know your point of views in the comments  section .. Nobody can set a time frame...🤔🤔🤔but this waiting  really gets into our nerves...

God and Us...Is our love for God unconditional?

Namaste  everyone,
The presence of God in our life is inevitable,we all irrespective of our religion follow God...
We pray to God ,We thank God, if things go our way , We get angry,dissapointed and sad if outcome is not as we expect..We mostly blame God for not helping us and very little to ourselves for our failures in life...
God is a matter of faith and usually people approach God for something they need, be it  health,wealth ,prosperity or endless and ever changing wishes that we have with each passing day...
In real life we expect people around us to love us unconditionally but when it comes to God we love God only when God keeps on fulfilling our wishes..
GOD'S love for us is unconditional,God loves us  the way we are ,God excepts us the way we are with all our insecurities,successes and failures..with all our fears,with all our weaknesses..God is the only  person who does not judge us for being us..and most importantly  does  not expect anything in return..God is our only source of light that helps us to get away with the darkness in life..
We usually  fear God and not love him...
But the thing is,  normally people worship God for the  fulfillment  of their desires in life..without even knowing that things we ask from God rather sometimes  beg from God are not even good for us..
We all do believe  in almighty  and his powers..but does not believe  in his decisions  for us in life...we want everything to happen  according  to our judgements depending on our small experience  of life...
As life passes and surely with experience  we recognize  that all God's  decisions  for us were definitely  the best for our lives..People and things are added or removed from our lives according  to God's  will and definitely  for our betterment but we mostly fail to see when we are going through  those phases of ups and downs in  our lives..
We ordinary people believe  in God but Do we really trust  God for everything??🤔🤔.. We trust him for things that we  wish for and getting positive  outcomes of  everything we do in our lives..as long as things happen according  to our plans  everything is good,our belief is strong..but why our faith is so weak that when ever things start going against  our expectations, our faith also start getting  weakened...
The answer is obvious we donot love God truly unconditionally..We simply treat God as one who filfills all our wishes..and not as part of us only..If love is  unconditional nobody can waiver  our faith..but if it is based on ifs and buts ,we  will be definitely  losing faith...when life doesn't  goes as per our plans..
Even worse is the fact that mostly people attribute their success to themselves  and failures to God...
Even some people donot want to do  anything at all , they simply want and expect God to complete their work for them ..They simply  sit idle and keep on waiting for God's  miracles  in their lives😂😂..These  kind of people also do exist..
Dear readers,I have always been a simple person who believed  in God and his decisions  for me in life..and it is also 100% true that I also many a times disagreed  with God's  decisions  in my life..but as years  passed ,I realised how God saved me from absolute  disasters I planned for myself ,if everything would have been the way I wanted...God's  plans are definitely  the only way outs..God is with us ,we have to  seek God's  help and support  in life and not ask for God doing all the work or some kind of miracles...That will be total waste of life and I think disrespect  for God..
It's  not that miracles  donot happen  with people , but they are definitely  not common..but God standing by our sides to support us and give us strength  once we have decided to work hard is definitely  true..and every hard worker person has experienced that in someway or the other in life...God is not a Jinnie,however it many a times does turn for some who are really working hard  and true at heart...
We all have to trust God and his decisions  for us..it not only increases our faith but also makes life much much easier for everybody...😇😇💞

Relationships are our strength or weakness???

Relationships are our strength or weakness??

Namaste everyone,
We are surrounded  by so many different people in the form of various relationships
all our lives..we love and care for them and of course they also love and care for us..
Parents, siblings, grandparents,teachers  friends ,neighbours ,our uncle, aunts and cousins..(there can be many more for some people)These all relations  play a very important role in creating an environment  in which normally people spend all their lives and create  the basic foundation  of  our adult lives..
We feel happy ,we feel loved,we feel protected, we feel secure,we dream big things..In most middle class families people have all these relationships and are quite close to their families..
I am not saying all people have very good big families but just telling usually people feel loved and safe in their big or small families..and in our childhood  times ,we donot know what exactly  relationships  are or even what  is the importance of having healthy relations. But when we become adults from where the hell does all kinds of insecurities related to relationships ,money ,career and our ownselves start dominating us..
We no longer feel comfortable  with many people, we are not confident  about our looks, our career profiles,our marksheets ,our bank balance,our social status ,our jobs , our relationships ..we lack trust ,we feel insecure..
The thing is as grown ups we are expected to be responsible and there is no question about that ,we as adults should act responsibly ..but we feel weak and can not even gather the confidence  of telling people what we exactly feel because we are grown  ups ,we have to face it.."jo relationships  hamari strength  hote hain woh hamari weakness ban jate hain.."
So many new relations get added to our lives like girl friends, boy friends ,husband,wife , kids , in-laws, colleagues,and many more friends..I personally think what exactly happens is
 " we ourselves start a competition  of proving ourselves to all the relationships around us of our worth..and when we fail we  start feeling depressed  and insecure.."
Of all the relationships  that we have nurtured so far very few ones need any certificate  from us for  being the best or very successful, they are there for us no matter how  we are( although  they do wish for us to be happy and successful)
They love us and accept us the way we are, they are our real strengths..We donot need to prove the whole world our importance , we can not be the  good or best for everyone..
But the thing is usually  ordinary people fail to recognize  this due to their own  insecurities and trust issues..Performing better in life should be everybody's aspiration..but as we are doing it for our loved ones and family ,Our family and relationships  act as a support system and the ultimate source of strength for us..as I personally  feel and people can relate with me , if we are doing something  for our family or  for that matter any body we really love,we are filled with a different  kind of energy and zeal..I donot know about the results,but we do try to give our best..and that is what matters  ..its our intentions that really matter for our those relationships  that are the basis of our lives..
Have we ever wondered  that do our looks really matter for our family,jo hamare liye sabse important hoti hai,toh phir hum apne looks ko le kar itna under confident  kyun feel karte hain.. Actually if  we pay attention our insecurities  are actually mindgames that stop us from achieving  our goals by making us weak mentally and hampering  our confidence levels.
We have to perform in our respective  lives by using our strong relationships  as a source of strength..and all other things do not matter...at all..
When we start  doing things like this ,all clutter of unwanted expectations  from people that donot matter is removed from our minds.and when there is less clutter there will be more performance.. one  more thing not everybody will be happy with your success but of course most people  will be happy or not even affected by your failure..then why the hell do we carry the extra luggage of performing for them.. or proving something to people that donot  really even matter..
Dear readers, use your full potential  ,do work hard but with happy and contented  minds ,without any insecurities and pressure and with the mental and moral underlying  support of our loved ones..😊😊😊

Feeling helpless..but not hopeless..

Feeling helpless but not hopeless...

Namaste  everyone,
Life as a whole is quite different from what we feel and go through everyday  every moment..If somebody  asked me ," How are you feeling today??",one day I will  say fine some other day I may not feel that good ,will still say all good..but looking over a longer period of our past life  ,we will say as a whole everything is quite Ok. My family is fine ,all are well and healthy ,we  maintain a  normal middle class life style ,my kids are good  and amazing ..I love them and wish all the happiness of the world for them..but what the hell is wrong with me??
I donot  know what is going on in my mind..
I feel lonely,I donot know  what to do with my life ,I feel purposeless..Although I do have a lot of responsibilities..I can not just go away from them..I am really trying to find ways to get out of this mindset.. I feel sabke pass apna kuch hai karne ke liye,i do not have anything..
Over all these years giving least importance  on self grooming and personal development , I think is the reason of my situation right now..I feel helpless because  I am still finding ways to start all over again..but I donot feel hopeless,I am quite hopeful  about this..I will surely find a way out of this...,I started writing this ..just because mostly in today's lives people will start telling you have  everything , what all am saying are just plain negative thoughts...
I lack something ...I also donot know..right now,trying  to figure  it out...
May be am bored of the monotony of the work that I do,my kids are growing up,I have invested so much time in them over the past 10 years ,that I forgot to live for myself,as they are growing up ,they are becoming  more and more independent..  so may be I have time for these stupid thoughts now..as most people will judge me..
Whatever be the reasons,I feel I have to come out of the shell I have been living ..for soo long..
One more strange thing am observing is," all people around me are quite busy,they donot have a bit of idea what's  all going in my head right now..even if I tell them they will definitely  find it funny ,silly ,stupid or unimportant.." That does not mean they donot love  me but ,yeh jo picture banate hain na  hum perfect hone ki ,actually  fake hoti hai,we  also feel weak ,we also get disappointed, we also get sad..we also feel lonely..we also feel helpless..
The question now is What next??The answer although  easy to say but difficult  to implement  is to start again, take baby steps but do  make a start by making little little life style changes towards your goals ,that will really make you happy and feel complete 😊😊😊

Life of a housewife..

Life of a housewife..

Namaste everyone,
I am writing  this post to share some daily stories in the life of a housewife...I think I am little qualified writing this as I am myself a housewife for the past 14 years..
The word "House wife" is quite   underrated.. because we housewives  do work 24/7 ..no one can deny that..
 To be a Housewife for life, this decision is some times forced by circumstances,  sometimes it's a personal choice or sometimes we are not qualified enough  to do something else..😕😕
In the first case,some women are forced to leave their jobs to become housewives ,due to numerous  personal reasons like their husband or in laws  doesnot  like them working or some family situation becomes such like transfer of husband to some new place..bla bla..bla..itne sare reasons sunte hain apne friends aur family se.. the thing is you have chosen to  become a house wife.
Second case  can be because of your own children ,you choose to become a housewife for their upbringing ,in this case also sometimes women are forced to leave their jobs because they have none to take care of their children ..children as for everybody are our utmost priority..
 Reasons of becoming a housewife are numerous  but the thing is everybody  as a housewife today or some day starts feeling fed up of the monotony  of work all housewives have to go through  each day.. there is definitely  no change..
This feeling becomes worse if unfortunately  the women were forced to leave their jobs and  were quite qualified..
And for women who are  not that qualified  I personally think  situation is even worse as they find no way to go or even start..am not saying it's easy for the qualified ones but they somehow have some confidence  that they can start based on their qualifications.. but simple ordinary ones find themselves  in darkness..
Even if it  was a personal choice..
Reason kuch bhi ho when this feeling  sucks in ,we feel frustrated ,dissatisfied and disappointed..and think yeh kya kar liya hai humne apni life ke sath....kya ban gaye hain hum...
The thing here is jo life ke saal humne waste kar diye(yeh  waste  word use karna shayad galat hoga because  we invested all those years for our  own family and kids), we have to some how restart .. again...
The most important thing here is that it's not being a house wife is a problem  but the the problem surely   is being only a housewife with no other thing , qualifications,hobby,likes or dislikes to associate  with our personalities..
Over all these years we forgot  about ourselves  completely..but now we have to make a new beginning. Lets  start a new journey  together...
The thing is where to start,you can see my confidence building method that worked for me in the following link 👇

One more most important point that we forget over these years is we completely lose our financial  independence.see my post below on my take on financial  dependence

Alltime Locked down lives of ordinary people

Locked down life  of ordinary people...

Namaste  everyone,
In this coronavirus crisis times we all were living in lockdowns as per government  guidelines  and rules..
But have you all noticed in these times people around us  who used to be quite busy normally enjoyed a little in the initial times of lockdown in their homes ,kids also thought of no school and imagined  there will be no studies and things like that..but after lockdown got extended two three times and now  nobody wants to be in lockdown .. but it is although for our own safety and protection that we  are staying indoors..for most of us activities  related to outside world are very minimal and limited to only essential  ones..
What I want to say or rather convey here  is  most of people got totally fed up with lockdown not only due to financial  reasons but also  psychologically they got irritated ..Two to three months lockdown  had so much severe consequences  on  almost everybody's  financial  and emotional  health..but but but....😕😕😏😏😏
"We ordinary  people have been living in the these  kind of lockdowns in our mind for past so many years.. that we are ordinary we are average ,we donot have any talent  ,what will people think if I do this or that  ,i can not do anything ..mujse nahi ho payega, maine kabhi kiya nahi, even if I will try I know  it will be a failure ..Please stop judging yourself soo ..soo....harshly .give yourself a break..if it is not comforting for most of the people ,how come we ordinary people continue to live like this,how long we will continue to be to live in our selfmade lockdowns  and will not even try to come out of it..For how many more years we will not try  to  do something for our own personal  development..isn't  it strange..Hats off to our patience." 
 Why cannot we try to make a new start ..let's start together with a small  hobby or a small yoga session ..or simply going for a walk for half an hour..lets embrace our own likes ,let's do things that makes us really happy..because then only we can make world a much happier place..😊😊..Government  is also unlocking phase wise..gradually..we should also..taking small small steps..we can make it..

Know nothing person with no technology knowledge..

Know nothing person...

Namaste everyone,
When we make  up our minds to make a new start..after long mental fights with ourselves.. next hurdle that we face is that we donot have any  sufficient knowledge.. and exposure  to start something new, specific to our interests or epassions we love to do certain things but that knowledge  is so superficial  and less that it just cannot be immediately turned  into something that can give us great monetary benefits...so the key here is learning and upgrading yourselves  about a topic or hobby of your choice..learning little but new things everyday... I know it is going to be tough as I am also facing it and going through  it.. you and I can not lose hope now..
Bahut mushkil se toh start kar payen hain.. now we can not look back.. agar hum aisa apna thought process bana len ki hum ordinary log toh waise bhi kuch bhi  fruitful nahi kar rahe the apne liye.. for the past  so many years..then we have nothing to lose.. atleast now we are doing something.. our efforts  may appear insignificant  to others but these small steps will be milestones for our future.. nobody else knows how much courage  we have gathered  to start this new venture of ours.. kabhi kiya jo nahi kuch , kabhi kuch achieve  hi nahi kiya.. most importantly  kuch karne ke liye aspire be nahi kiya.. kabhi socha bhi nahi..,
We ordinary people are mostly not so aspirational or we can say professional  types..I want to make one confession here that
" dar abhi bhi lagta hai. par phir bhi  ab rukna nahi hain." Baby steps  se hi sahi  but we will move forward..😊😊😊and become better,  happy ,joyful ,healthy and successful  in whatever path we choose for our selves..

About me..

Few things about myself

Namaste everyone,
I am a very very simple , honest  and  ordinary person who has just started following  a new dream...  abhi I am a house wife and really proud mother of  two smart boys ..my bachas.. my every thing..my husband works in a MNC..I have done B.tech and M.tech in computer science..worked for almost 6 years as a lecturer  and after leaving my job almost ten years ago, I have now started a new journey.
I am  quite a noobish  person..I was a pessimist all my life.. I was average  in everything I did.. with average qualities, average looks.. nothing very special about me..Isliye shayad bahut time liya maine restart karne mei. But donot want others like me to waste so many years of their  lives thinking what to do next.. kya karen .. kahan se dobara start  karen.. kuch bhi pata nahi..par man mei ek baat aati rahti thi.. bus kuch aisa karna hai.. ki "my family  should feel proud of me,especially my sons.." my approach  to life is very very simple..sabko khush rakhna chahti hun ,sabke liy jo bhi kisi bhi tarah se muje jante hain , unki help karna chahti hun..sabki life mei  kuch positive changes lana chahti hun..country ke liye bhi bahut  kuch karna chahti hun. Underprivileged   women  and especially  kids ,want to do something for them too..yeh sab mere dreams hain..muje personally social work karna acha lagta hai.. but thode large scale par kuch bhi karne ke liye money and expertise lagta hai.. jo one day I will definitely  achieve.
Jis mental depression se I have been through, I want ordinary  people like me to understand  and not go through  the same things.. those are not worth it..the negativity is all in the mind... we can get over it by keeping  ourselves  busy in whatever  we love to do and  helping  ordinary people in taking the first step towards their goals....😊😊😊👍👍

Confidence building way that worked for me..

Confidence build ways...

A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing.” — George Bernhard Shaw. 
Namaste everyone,
I found this quote today and really found it very very inspiring ..because it relates completely with me and all other ordinary people like me..who think they can not achieve anything because fear of judgement, disapproval and getting rejected is so much in us.. that stops us  from doing anything, starting something new..but  "thinking about all this we simply forget ki agar start hi nahi karenge to how the hell we are going to reach our smallest possible goals".Of course we will make mistakes.. but instead of feeling shameful about them , we have to learn from  them and improve otherwise time toh nahi rukhega.. but we will always have a regret that, "koshish karte toh ho sakta tha but hamne rejection ya failure ke dar se koshish bhi nahi ki".. we are acting as our own biggest enemies.. and we will eventually  spent our  entire lives doing nothing.
Little lifestyle changes can really make a huge difference. So I would like to share some confidence building tips to make a new start:
1.Donot spend much time sleeping,  maximum 8 hours sleep is enough, actually we ordinary people are actually so much depressed  as a result of which we tend to sleep more and waste our precious  time..this is my personal observation..
2.Since we have to  cut our sleeping hours (although we won't be able to make dramatic changes over night but slowly slowly we can see the change and benefits)we will be having atleast 2 to 3 hours for ourselves..
3.Utilise these hours for doing what you really like to do but you yourself should be the focus..you can try reading your favorite  books , do gardening , follow a hobby, doing yoga or simply going for a walk doing dancing ,singing..doing art and craft ,learning new recipes  ,baking etc..
One thing I would say even after spending  1 to 2 hours on yourself you will not feel tired or exhausted  like you always used to  feel even after sleeping  so much..on the other hand you will feel more energetic and productive for the rest of the day..that's  for sure.
4.As  days will  pass you will really come to know about your interests and you will have a clear picture  of things you are comfortable in and would love to do..so along with spending time  on whatever you love to do the most, you youself will start to research about it and learn new new things related to it. And slowly and gradually you will develop  an expertise..regarding that subject of your choice..with strong knowledge  and time spent on the particular topic of your choice you will  start feeling confident about it..this  time spent on yourself will act as a self grooming session .. and with continuous  effort you can definitely  master  anything and will become  fully confident about it.
5.Once you have got the confidence you can venture further and even convert your hobby like thing into a small business  to get monetary benefits.
Although  it is a slow process but results will be amazing that's  for sure..and more importantly  you will become a better version of yourself with each passing day..soo... start now..😊😊😊
The following  post of mine shows my state of mind when  I was just thinking to start  my new journey.

Life is beautiful??? If we decide to make it so...😊😊.

Life is beautiful..

Namaste everyone,
"Life is Beautiful",How easy it is to say, "kitna aasan hai yeh kahna  unke liye jinki life sorted hoti hai ,ya shayad doosron ko sorted lagti hai. Can not say.. Kabhi itna experience hi nai kiya...pata nai hoti hogi life beautiful... " To pass negative comments like this ,is quite easy and keep feeling sorry about ourselves , we continue to compare our lives with others and make ourselves  feel more and more miserable..but we always forget that nobody has a perfect life, koi bhi aisa nai hota jise koi problem nai hoti, bas humein apni problems jyada badi lagti hain... Although we do feel  helpless,we have no body to whom we can  just  simply go and say what  we feel..ya even if we express ,they donot understand or give much importance about what we exactly feel. Life aise hi chalti rahti hai bus...Sometimes na , even if we  decide to feel positive... of course jo jyada  time tak continue nai kar pate..What I have experienced is ,we fail to accept life as it is,life jaisi  bhi hai , use waisa hum kabi bhi poori tarah accept nai kar pate ,kuch na kuch problem nikal hi lete hain. kuch na kuch reason nikal hi lete hain depress hone ke liye..kitne stupid  ho jate hain hum.What is required is to face the reality , we   simply keep cursing life and fail to see anything beautiful  in life. In today's  world most of us might  not directly see the goodness  of life ,but with fresh  minds we have to look for it,I personally feel in the long run sooner or later we all will realise "Life is beautiful, it was beautiful  and will always be".Actually  it is our shortsightedness and pessimistic  approach  towards life that stops us from living life to our full potentials..Now I feel people who donot see the beauty of  life are stupid and immature..
We as individuals  never tried to look at the very basic privileges we always had..even in the times of crisis..Most of the people even lack them..We may fail miserable multiple times but this is not possible that out of may be hundred ways  even one way will not work.
Once we accept life as it is ,we can move forward with the next step to face it..We all know accepting harsh realties of life is not a piece of cake  for everyone ,but we have to accept it..The thing is we have no way out ,sooner or later we have to move forward accepting it. So instead of wasting days,months and years of our lives cursing life ,we have to come out with a solution ..Once the disease is diagnosed  we can move forward to cure it..
It's  easy for a person with  a pretty  successful life to say, "Life is beautiful.." But why cannot we ordinary people with failed lifes (as it may appear to us) let's  say it first that life is indeed beautiful and we will  put our best foot forward to make life beautiful..and definitely look for ways to make it so.😊😊😊

Everything is mutual in a relationship..

Namaste  everyone,
Relationships are an  important part of every human beings life.
But don't know why and when they start becoming an emotional burden on the two individuals involved..
We keep on ignoring the signs that something is wrong ,something is lacking..The imbalance  in relationships  is definitely  caused  because either one of the partner  has taken all the load to continue  the relationship and the other one has definitely  started taking the relationship  for granted  or has no more feelings left for the relationship  or the other partner..
The thing that everything  is mutual  in a relationship is true to the core..and lack of any thing that is not mutual be it love ,care ,time, trust and most importantly respect will definitely leads to a failure in relationships.. Intially people usually find themselves  very happy, secure , respected and very  important  for the other..It is obiviously because both the partners  give 100% attention to each others needs and feelings..Moreover  they are mostly ready to sacrifice  their  own priorities  for each other ..They do it happily  and willingly  without any pressure or unease.
We fail to recognise that how can a relationship continue if the burden of its well being is purely on one of the partner's shoulders and the other is least bothered about the partner as well as the relationship..With each passing  day it becomes extremely  difficult  for the partner still fully emotionally  involved in the relationship  to carry on.. Because  there is no reciprocation of feelings from the other...
"A relationship  is a plant that feeds on mutual love,trust  respect and care..The plant becomes malnutritioned  with feedings only  from a single partner.."
How come emotional  expectations of one of the partner be met if other partner doesn't  bother or is least affected..The sole purpose of a relationship  is to make both the partners  feel loved ,respected and emotionally  secure..and not emotionally  dependent weak   and insecure.. Relationships  are our strength, they drive us through life's thick and thin with ease , happiness and comfort..They are not burdens definitely..If we are feeling like that..and fulfillment of each other's  expectations  from us appears to be a burden  there is definitely  something  that is not right.
This reasons  of disinterest of one of the partner or further both the partners being unaware of  little little things that matter for each other  is earliest sign of downfall of a relationship..
Things that give the other partner immense  happiness when no longer matter  for the other, It is definitely  a wrong sign..Because we can not be ignorant  to each others feelings and expectations if love and respect is there.. but  this is also true that most of the times if one of the partner decides  to carry on without any expectations the relationship simply lingers  on..but without any soul..
With due course  of time this concept of only one partner  carrying on, only leads to further bitterness ,disrespect and discomfort..One sided relationships are noway a healthy option..but sometimes  for ordinary people to gather courage to come out of a relationship is very difficult..
Emotional turmoil is not easy for anyone..Nobody can simply  live without love care and affection..It's  absolutely human  to crave for love,  care and a family.We have look for the red flags in relations and can not by any way  ignore them..Its not  that all relationships are bound to fail..Its our pure intentions towards the relation that will further decide that relationship  will survive or not ..  It is the responsibility  of both the partners  to take  care for each other's feelings and nurture the relationship and if you are not willing to take responsibility  of the other  as a  partner ,just stop continuing  to take advantage of other person's  feelings for you..
Feelings are definitely  pious, we shouldn't  hurt each other in any possible  way..Not everybody  in this world is blessed enough to get into real and pure relationships and people..In today's  world it is extremely  difficult  and rare..
Dear readers,please value your partners and relations..because our mere ignorance  or sometimes our own selfishness can also result us in  the failure of a relationship..Just trust,respect  and take care of your loved ones and please  do not take them for granted..I am not at  all in favour of continuing a abusive or dishonest or disrespectful relationship.. but give  your best to continue your real relationships and give value to your  loved ones..
At least your silly  faults or by noway your selfishness  be responsible for the failure of the relation..🥰💞

My below post further describes why people start taking others for granted??👇👇

Walking alone..in the dark but towards light...

Walking alone..in the dark but towards light...

Namaste everyone,
Dear diary,
You know me,How unworthy I was feeling ,How alone I was,How underconfident  and insecure I have been all my life..How afraid I have always been ,How introvert I have always been,How ordinary and average  I have always been...
But one fine day that was not so fine , I started feeling how I was wasting my life on account of my own insecurities...I never had others to blame for my failed life...I always took responsibility for my life..but never valued neither my life nor my aspirations  for myself  from me..I was not that person who expected a lot from others around me..but obviously I had some atleast some expectations... Actually I used to feel annoyed and disappointed when people failed  to meet my little little expectations  from them..like all of us.
I had realised  I always failed myself..I was  never capable of meeting  my  own expectations  from myself and was never even bothered a bit..Waiting for something to click or something  magical to happen or some of the people around  me will realise what I really need..and I will get a breakthrough  in life..because although  I am pretty ordinary  and simple I always had a dream that I  even hid from myself and kept it deep within my heart for years altogether but never did anything about it..These were my stupidest  feelings ever..I never had the courage  to do something for
myself..Following my dream was next to impossible  for such a pessimistic  person like me...
But now that I  have  gathered  some confidence  to follow my dream that really makes me happy and gives me a purpose ..I feel sense of accomplishment ,I have something of my own now..I am far more relaxed  and satisfied  in life..I was never like this before...
But dear diary,I have still not gathered enough confidence  to let people know that I have started a new journey..I am still skeptical  about the outcomes  of my efforts ...I am still afraid..but somehow I have decided  not to stop and walk alone..
Walking alone has it's own pros and cons...
Pros :Walking alone you are not answerable to any body ,You have no fear of judgements..You are your own boss..You are what you really are ,You need not pretend  anything..You have all the freedom to think,feel and express the way you personally  feel ..You are  yourself  your biggest  critic ,You are not  afraid of failing  or committing  any mistakes..
You feel independent, You feel strong..You are no more insecure...because  you have no one else..
Cons:You are sometimes  really afraid,You need somebody to validate  your work..You need suggestions ,You definitely  need emotional and moral support..You need somebody  to lift you up when you fall..You need somebody  to pacify  you when you cry..You always need somebody  to say that
1."I am with you,Everything  will be Ok"..
2."I will be with you no matter what"
3."I love you..my love is not defined by your success  or failure  in life".
I always keep juggling  these thoughts  in my mind but I can no way stop..
Dear readers, If you relate with me in slightest  possible way ,Please decide to restart and follow  your dream..😊😊😊

No talent...at all..Its really not true..

Are we talentless.??

Namaste everyone..
When we start analyzing  our own selves for making a new beginning after years of inactivity professionally ,  we judge ourselves ,we try to know, What are we good at? What hidden talent we have?...and we start comparing  ourselves to people around us ,and sometimes  with whole lot of successful  people  around the world .. and within seconds we conclude that.. "Arre yaar ...we donot have any talent..hamare pass  koi talent nai hai.. Karen toh kya Karen.. kahan se start  Karen???"
It is only because we have never achieved  anything.. kabhi kisi cheez mei first nai aaye na.. kabhi koi prize bhi nai jeeta.. bus hum ordinary se average se log hain..but yeh sab hamare mind ke selfmade judgements hain ..hamare khud ke bare mei...
I can assure you ki ..these are not true at all..I am telling u all this..so called Gyan  because I also realised and felt this deeply after  around ten years... Please donot believe  these self demeaning  thoughts of your own for yourselves..  These are not true at all.. Main reason behind that I can say  with confidence  is that,
"We never ever really tried.. humne kabhi  kuch karne ki koshish nahi ki.. kabhi itna self confidence  hi nahi la paye..ki hum bhi kuch kar sakte hain.. kabhi kisi cheez ko achieve  karne ke liye motivated feel hi nai kiya..kabhi fail hone par dobara try karne ke bare mei nahi socha..bus isi notion ke sath jeete rahe hi we are  good for nothing fellows.. lekin now we have to start.. kuch naya kuch fresh..kuch real happiness dene wala..  kuch bhi ,kitna bhi chota kyun na lage  but we ordinary people will definitely  make a start....😊😊
We have some how shout out loud that 👇👇
1.Yes, restarting even after years is definitely  possible.
2.Yes,we are also capable.
3.Yes, restarting is also possible  even after multiple  failures.
4.Yes, we are also worthy.
5.Yes, it is not going to be easy.
6.Yes, we are not afraid of any judgements.
7.Yes ,we are willing to learn and improve. 
8.Yes, we will not stop.
9.Yes, our dream is important  to us.
10.Yes ,we will make ourselves  and our loved ones real proud one day.
11.Yes, our dream is definitely achievable..
Dear readers, just give yourselves some time ,give yourself the courage and confidence  to restart and follow your dream..and always keep on  learning and improving and one more thing, Please donot be affected by negative  judgments of people ,rather use them to further improve..

The feeling of being loved ...🥰🥰

Love and life💞

Namaste  everyone ,
We all are beautifully amazed  or rather mesmerized by the beautiful feeling of being loved..We feel on the top of the world..This life all of a sudden starts to look beautiful . Our failed lifes suddenly  start appearing  worthy ,we ourselves  start feeling worthy , loved and important..Feelings  of positivity and hope start pouring into us..We feel as if everything is achievable..we feel loved and as a result we are definitely  filled with so much energy to do whatever it takes to make our partner happy. We feel totally dependent  on our partner..we actually  become  very vulnerable  to  small small things..All good things come with some side effects..
The feeling of being  truly loved gives us the immense  desire to live and love life ,but in addition to that it makes us  emotionally very weak so that any smallest negative thing disappoints  us to the core..
The dependence  on love for life is good and the feeling  it generates  within us is incredibly the best..but the thing is, Is it long lasting...??
Actually  when real life comes in play ,other  aspects of life like family , career ,health etc....start taking priority  and  it appears as if love has taken a back seat..and it happens only when the foundation  of love was  not strong enough.. There is no doubt that love is a pure feeling..but people sometimes  fail to create a balance between  love and real life..because  fantasies  of love can easily make anybody blind and can  distract  anybody from realities of life ,in which case the positivity  created by love in our life can not stay longer..
To fulfill our commitments in love we  need to do a lot sacrifices, most people only imagine love as an attraction  and nothing more than that..but they forget that love requires  commitment,trust and faith in the other partner ..and in our ownself  as well..
Love is a thing of heart , everything in love is filled with purity of emotions..If there is slightest  adulteration  of love with disrespect ,mistrust and expectations  of changing the other according to one's  own perspective..I strongly feel in today's  world these relationships  won't  survive for ever..
The LOVE is a gift of God ,everybody is not lucky enough to find a person  who reciprocates your feelings  of love truly back to you..Love is indeed precious..but we should  not forget that it has to be conducted on daily basis...Once you purpose  someone and he or she says a Yes and it's  done..it is definitely not like this..We have to nurture our love bond with time ,affection, care and trust on daily basis..
As it is the the most important  thing for people who are really in love so we can not be ignorant  about what our other partner thinks or really feels..We have be the support system of each other..because more there  will be love more will be emotional dependence on each other..more will be expectations  from each other...
Dear readers ,I must say here ,"Love is life ,give your loved ones the priority  they really deserve..and daily nurture  your loved relationships  with lots of care ,trust and support.Let your loved ones know that you will always be there for them  and that they are loved for ever"..because  Dear readers,  all materialistic things are  somehow sooner or later achievable but not true love..🥰💞.

Believe in yourself,Failures do not define us..

Believe in yourself

Namaste everyone,
Failures  do not define us..This is absolutely true..but we are definitely  not courageous enough to make this our reality..We have been ordinary  underconfident ,emotionally weak and fragile individuals who never believed  in ourselves and nor our own dreams..
All our lives we have been defining ourselves  on the basis of our failures and for this I must thank our pretty bad track record as far as success in life is concerned ,be it emotionally  or even professionally..  We were never surprised  by knowing that people around  us also share our mindset and  define us by our failures..We ushould not get annoyed about all this because we ourselves used to think that we are not good for any thing..
All our lives we  believed that any kind of success  or satisfaction  of accomplishment  is not meant for us..It was us only who chose to be average and never even dared to dream or rather follow what we really liked or loved to do..All our lives we pacified  ourselves  that success is unachievable  or rather impossible  for us...
We never thought  of first fighting our own mindset to follow our dream...This is also true that may be we have failed multiple  times ,but does that mean that we  are going to fail again...So we shouldn't  try any further..
Even after we ordinary ones somehow  gather courage to move a little forward , we find it very difficult to fight against the mindset of people around us..They find our dream silly ,unimportant  and total waste of time..Because we always presented  such a weak picture of our personality  in front of them. Because of our weaknesses  we allowed other people's  judgements  about us to work against us..But a real person who is really passionate about his or her dream shouldn't  be bothered about this..The thing that really matters in the way of following  a dream for any person in this world is the self belief  that he or she is strong enough  to achieve it and with each passing  day will work harder and harder towards it ..and finally will definitely  achieve  it..
Please stop making other people's  perspectives  your reality..They donot feel how you feel ,they might not know how you felt when you failed..they might not know how passionate  you are about your dream they might not know how important  your dream is for you..
The thing is they have been clearly defining   us on the basis of our failed past..But we are changed individuals now ..our dream is important  to us..and is definitely  not unachievable..We have decided  to take accountability  of our lives..We are responsible  for our dreams ,our dreams are definitely  our reality now.No negativity can stop us  not even the  one in our own minds..
This is also a fact for life that believing  in ourselves is the first step but further we have to keep  confronting for own weaknesses, be it emotional  or something  professional. We have to keep on  updating ourselves , learning new things  and working harder and harder with each passing day..
Dear readers,while writing this most I feel it from my heart ,I am also not a very professionally  succeesful person..I have just began my journey..and somehow strongly believe  that these things that I write are felt by all ordinary people  and thoughts  that I can in some possible  way relate with you all and  if I am able to motivate you in any slightest  possible way I will more then happy.. This is the real mission  of my writings..😇😇
So Just start believing  in yourself and your dream..continue to improve and work on your flaws..but please donot stop midway...otherwise we will prove all people  aroind us true about their  thinkings about us..This is the only way out to pursue what you really dream for..

Is love the only thing required for life??

Love and its importance in life.

Namaste  everyone,
This question  bothers me often that ,Is love the only thing required for life ??
Relationships that are only based on love..in real life may be able to survive for sometime and present a very good picture of life ahead..but  there are of course  many other aspects of life as well..which if ignored mostly result in failed relationships..
This is absolutely  true and everybody agrees with the fact without love there is no life . Any kind of human relationship can not even exist without love..but forgetting other aspects of a relationship like trust ,respect, care and of course finances  definitely  will lead us to a failed relationship.
Love is a real wierd feeling but nobody can live without it... I find it strange ,yet this is 100% true..We as humans want to be loved ,rather I should say it is not a want but a need like food ,clothing and shelter..
We all want to be loved especially  by people whom we love  a lot..Love makes us feel worthy and important. We feel secure ,we feel protected..we feel cared..this gives immense motivation to live...no matter what life throws  at us ..
Love is important,rather the most important driving force for simple ordinary people..because clearly we never had any personal achievements  or a successful  professional  life..all we have was love..nothing else..There is no doubt that we were loved by our family and loved ones..so that we were able to drag our rather purposeless  life  for all these years...love was the only strength  we had..love was  and is our  driving force...love protects us from a selfish world outside ,it protects us from being left alone in the crowd..it uplifts us when we are weak ,it gives us feeling of being wanted..because  we also love our family and loved ones as they love us...there is no doubt that love is everything..but is it good thing to keep on living  a dependent  and purposeless life only for love..Losing what we really are..or our identity for love is it worth it?
The answer is may be Yes for very rare individuals for initial periods..but as far as the reality check  of life is concerned  I feel  the answer is a No. Love is definitely  the foundation  of any relationship but  because of the absense of your own individuality and purpose  for life ,you won't  be able to survive  the ups and downs of life..because love does makes us  emotionally dependent  on others..to the extent that we start losing ourselves  and our identity  for the sake of love..and from there  Love the biggest gift of life starts to become problem..for which  ordinary people donot even have a solution..In course of time ordinary  people make themselves so so emotionally  weak and vulnerable that  they end up losing their  emotional  and sometimes  financial  independence  as well  only out of love..Then they can not see a way out  of God forbid..things do not go as expected in life.
Please ,dear readers donot lose your individuality  for love..we have to make ourselves rise in love but not fall..love has to be our strength  and not  a weakness..

Just start being you..That is what matters..

Just start being you..That is what matters..

Namaste  everyone,
We have been telling ourselves from the past so many years  that we can not be successful  in anything we do,how small  it may be..we always used  to think that success  is not meant for ordinary average people like us...we are not worthy enough, we are not lucky enough..We never even had the urge to be successful ..It was mainly  because of our own thought processes..that were  filled with fears and insecurities.I  am sharing mine here👇👇
My thought process over all these years was like," I  couldn't  have a successful  career,but that does not matter much for me because I have closed all possible doors for myself with the strong mental belief that success is not meant  for me and  I will be like this all  my life..but will always support others ,be it  in any possible way I could..I was always very supportive  and positive for others around me..I was always ready to share my piece of cake with them..all the time..I always wanted people around me or anyone I may not be knowing much about to be successful, I had inner strong sense of positivity for everybody and was always happy for other people's  success  and achievements...but not for myself."
But this is quite strange and absolutely  true after wasting (I shouldn't  be using the word wasted) so many years ,very lately I realised ,I was definitely  very positive and supportive  for everybody but never for my ownself.. Deep within actually I was filled with negative emotions and sense of unworthiness. May be I was having the thought  process if I couldn't  succeed atleast help others  to be successful..I was actually a weak and under confident  person deep within..
Lately I realised how can a pretty unsuccessful  person  be eligible for motivating others ,I was telling people  things that I was never ready and courageous  enough to follow.
Definitely  I was faking myself..I was faking that success  is not important  to me..actually  because of the fear of failure  and public judgement ,I was never able to gather the courage  to follow my dream or to do what I  really feel like doing..I hid my own aspirations  from myself..I myself was my own biggest enemy..My fears were far bigger then my dream..I couldn't  overcome  my fears..but I was definitely  telling  others to do so..but never followed  them myself..
There was no need of me pretending  to be a different  person to myself and to the world.."I just had to be  me..that was it..But I could  not even gathered  the courage  to do so..I was my last priority.."
But not anymore..I am definitely  finding it damn difficult..but atleast I have started trying..I am still lacking confidence but I am trying..one funny thing I would like to say here  is  I am writing  my heart out in my blog www.myheartfultalks.blogspot.com 
But  I have not shared the links  to my own family or even told them about my blog as yet..From this you can imagine  how weak and under confident  I have been all my life..I am giving myself the time I need to make it successful ,I myself donot know how long this is going  to take..but one thing am sure I am improving with each passing day..That is important.. My self confidence and self belief  is dragging me towards my goal although very slowly  everyday..And that is what matters  for me..😊😊😊

The ray of hope...can work wonders...

The ray of hope can work wonders...
Namaste  everyone,
On our journey  towards our dream we confess that   despite being very motivated initially, we really start feeling low because there are no results at all..I know we are trying hard ..I also know we have become so passionate  about it that it drives us further to move forward..but lack of results demotivates us ..And it is true for all positive  persons as well..
"what we look far is a ray of hope..but while waiting for that moment  for something to click,we definitely feel frustrated and helpless in the absence of results but we  can not stop in between..while we look for a ray of hope from anything ,be it in the form of some appreciation or some kind and motivating  words from others especially  our loved ones can of course  do wonders..."
Unfortunately  most of us lack that ..so What should we do now?There is no one that backs our dream..two possibilities ,one is to stop and start living your purposeless life again or the second one to work further harder..The choice is yours..

But one thing I would like to add learning from my  experiences  towards my  dream is that ,"Please keep on motivating a weak, average person..Even if there was nobody for you ,but atleast you be there for somebody else". It may not be important  for you but for the person who is following  a dream its  important..It can drive them further no matter what..In the lack of results motivation and hope is the only key..
I have felt how hopelessness , discomfort and anxiety grips us when we fail again and again..I very well know and have felt as well that it is not easy...no way..
"Hope" that the day  for what we strive  for will definitely  come..At least with each passing  day we are moving forward  only..We have to train our mind to keep working  towards our goals.
The problem  with ordinary average people is  over the years they have never experienced  success  neither they worked hard enough  to achieve  it..Actually  fear of failure  was  so much imbibed  in us that it prevented  us to use our full potential  to follow what we really wanted or dreamt for..It is of course  a reality check , we have to except it.. 
Now after so many ifs and buts we somehow  gathered courage  after years to pursue something to live for,some purpose..even in the absence of any hope from outside circumstances  and people around  we just can never even think of stopping..Only road available  is the one that takes us towards our dreams..
To keep our hope lit and spirits high ,we have to look inwards.
 Ask yourselves the following  questions :
  1. Why can not ordinary  people have a dream to follow? 
  2. Why can't  they achieve  something independently?Why can not they have something  that they can call their own ?
  3. Why can not they be worthy enough?  
  4. Why can not they expect big from life ? 
  5. Why can not they just stop being average  and part of the crowd ?
  6. Why can't they just be real ? 
  7. Why can not they just stop pretending to be happy?
  8. Why can not they move forward for something that really satisfies  their soul and gives them a real sense of accomplishment ?
  9. Why can not they start living rather than simply existing?
  10. Why can not they  choose  to be really happy and joyful from within?

If answers to these kind of  questions  is a big YES, then there  is  still hope ..The ray of hope that can work wonders ,is the guiding force  deep within all of us .. we need not look ouside for that..We have to develop  a sense of self acceptance,confidence, self esteem  and trust that we can do it..Most importantly faith in "GOD" can also take us to where we really  want to be in life..😇😇

Why do we feel disheartened in the absense of expected results...??

Namaste everyone,
This post I have written to my diary ,my friend to whom I can easily discuss my weaknesses and fears..
Dear diary,
You know how much courage I gathered to start what I really wanted to achieve ,something that I own...small yet the most important for me,My dream...
You know me, how weak I have been..With the  lowest confidence ever and a lot of insecurities I  decided to start...but now that I am on my way, again I am feeling lows because of absence of any success indicators so far...I am afraid...I do not want to lose now..I just can not stop now, neither I want..It is my dream and you know it..
Why these fears are empowering me...I am losing confidence..The enthusiasm with which I started  and determination I had  are slowly fading... I am not seeing any results coming till date..
What next??You know very well that I never really achieved anything in life...and you also know that I have been  a average person who never even wished for achieving something for my own self..You know me , I have been an introvert all my life..pretending to be "Ok"...with what I was...
You very well know that how energetic and excited I  was with my new dream..My energy levels are lowering now .What if I again fail ??... "No" ,I do not want to fail...otherwise it will be the hardest to start all over again..I have been weak and insecure all my life..
You know how desperate I am to make myself proud , I equally wanted to make my kids proud..This  dream is my need not my want...
But I can not stop now , I  affirm that I will not stop now..no matter what... “God ,please guide my way...I need your guidance and support ...”
 One thing I am realising is dreams are never easy to achieve for anybody...but continuous  hard work ,patience and believe in yourself are the only driving forces and nothing else..
If your dream is as important as if it poses an existential threat to your existence then nobody will   ever stop or even think of quitting..😇😇😇.

Fulfillment of my own hopes and expectations from me..

Namaste everyone,
Like every other person  in this world we all have some expectations and hopes from ourselves...I am here not at all focusing  on expectations  from others..focus of this post is totally on expectations  and hopes from our own selves..
We are unsuccessful average  individuals who have not achieved  much in life that  is even worthy or  incredibly outstanding...we do have pretty  average  lives..we never achieved  much in life..every thing achieved was  average or sometimes  rather below average...
But is this not true that we always dreamt of a successful  life deep in our hearts..but obviously  we failed that too miserably to achieve  it...
We were never able to gather courage  to follow what we really loved to pursue or do..Dreams are definitely  easy to see but difficult  to achieve.. Dreams require courage,confidence and committment...
The thing is all people are not equipped  enough mentally  and physically ..nor are fully qualified to achieve them..I personally  feel, this is true..but knowing this what next??..Answer is simple..we have to work on it..we have to improve ourselves on daily basis, we have to learn  new things..we have to keep moving forward,we have to generate  sense of self confidence and the belief  that our dream is definitely  achievable and we will achieve  it...Results may not start coming the  very first day...we can not stop midway..we can not stop in the absence of expected results..we have to keep believing that we deserve  to win with our hard work and continuous efforts...
Fulfillment  of my own hopes and expectations  from me is the most important  for me,I will  not be anymore bothered  about what will the consequences of my efforts  or how long it will take  for me to taste a bit of success..I will keep on trying...
This thought  process is the only solution possible for making a dream really come true,there can not be any driving force from outside that drive us towards our real goal but it is the strength  within...
External enviornment and people around us can either motivate or create hurdles for us..but if the spark wothin us is lit if we are determined  enough from inside...nothing can deviate  us from our goal...
It is our own weaknesses  that over power us and not the external factors..It is true that external things and people can  either weaken or enhance our moral but if we are not motivated enough  from deep within  they can not effect us or stop us...
"We are fully responsible  for our own lives..we should stop blaming others and circumstances  for our failures..."
External factors and  people acting  against us can some how delay our goals but to stop pursuing  them is always our own decision  because  instead of  trying harder we simply decided  to stop..
We have to choose  between  continuing  to live a failed purposeless  life or keep trying to achieve  what we really crave for and love to do and achieve...Choice  is entirely  ours..think about it..🤔🤔

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