Why Do We Feel Alone At The End Of The Day?

Feeling lonely at the end of the day...

Namaste everyone,
An average person  meets around 10,000 people in their life times...but fail to find a right person, a real friend, a faithful loving partner or a single person who loves them unconditionally...🤔🤔

Mostly people feel alone...they have no one to talk to,no one to share their feelings with..no one to tell what they are going through..or sometimes  even if we express what we are going through nobody bothers to pay any attention.... It is definitely  strange...but this has become  the harsh reality of today's  world where people have been replaced by gadgets and smartphones..
We feel as if we are strangers and we donot know much about each other because we are unable to open our heart in front of them..and same might be the case with them as well..despite of having so many people around us,even in the presence  of our known loved ones and family.. everybody on sometime or the other does feel lonely..
We are unable to express our feelings because deep inside us we always fear that others will judge us for being weak,stupid, silly , underconfident and therefore  a loser for life...
We feel lonely because we fear to make others part of our lives..we donot want them to know about our weaknesses or even strengths, we donot trust people around us ...
The reasons of not trusting people  are usually  the bad experiences of the past and mostly our own insecurities  about ourselves...
The thing is life can not be conducted  in this manner..feeling lonely  and depressed..Life is given to  us by God  as a gift ,we just can not waste it like this feeling sad,lonely  and depressed all the time..
This is true that many times at the end of the day,due to whatever good or bad happenings during a day  we feel lonely..but we can not adopt loneliness  as our habit and slowly  slip into the hands of depression..with each passing  day..
Nowdays  people have stopped giving importance  to feelings,even the family members donot have time for each other...Real friends   have also become  rare and friends  with benefits  are common..
In the absence  of  a strong relationship  actually  people start feeling  weak within themselves..although  they donot tell what they are going through..but the reason is obvious..Without friends,  family and our partners life seems to be nothing..
Materialistic things can never replace human relationships...
These materialistic desires can keep us busy a whole day..and leave us alone at the end of the day with nobody whom we really love and care for..When we start feeling lonely materialistic things start losing their importance...Although  I am myself  a strong  believer  that without money and materialistic things even strong relationships get into troubles.. and sometimes  even donot last longer..but without our loved ones and family  financial success loses all meaning..It appears worthless...
Dear readers,We feel lonely because many a times we are extremely dissatisfied  and disappointed with the world and people around us..but when we look at our strong relationships ,our real support..all the problems of the world appear to vanish and we get a new energy to deal with all circumstances  with much more courage and confidence..We have to create  a delicate balance between the emotional and financial  needs of life..This is the only solution to avoid loneliness in our life 💞.

Expectations from relationships....

Our Expectations from Relationships

Namaste everyone, 

In today's world people expect a lot of things from other people(the ordinary foolish ones )  whose expectations they never  bothered  or even tried to fulfil  but expected full commitment from others as their  right..

This thought keeps disturbing me ,"I am never good at meeting my own expectations from me but quite exceptional at meeting expectations of others from me.Strange but true..😂😂.."

Life has been quite strange as far as distribution of equal responsibilities on  expectations  of people from each other ..Everybody will agree on the fact that people usually expect more but put least efforts in fulfilling  other people's expectations.....

A relationship  is responsibility of both the individuals involved..but over burdening any one is not at all justified..but we forget that this overburden will eventually result in frustrations ,anxiety and disspointments..These are no healthy or positive signs for a longlasting  relationship..I wonder why people donot  value their relationships and continue to devalue them.. never prioritise them..and more importantly continue to take them for granted...as if the other partner is their some kind of emotional slave or something similar..

In this illusion that all relationships will somehow continue as the  other person is ordinary, weak and a  emotional fool ... despite of you being selfish ,indifferent , disrespectful and ungrateful.. even  very very important and strong relationships end or lose their charm and eternity...

Dear readers,Pardon me if I sound rude..but I personally donot want anybody to misuse their relationships in any sense...Because we donot have any idea about how severely we are damaging the self esteem and confidence of our weaker counterpart...How come people that love us the most, care for us the most and prioritize us before their ownselves..??We end up hurting them badly...just because ,We  donot care...and take them for granted...🤔🤔😕

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Why Do We Feel Alone At The End Of The Day?

Feeling lonely at the end of the day... Namaste everyone, An average person  meets around 10,000 people in their life times...but fail to ...