My experiences and feelings in initial days of starting my blog..

Namaste everyone,
Today I thought of sharing my feelings and experiences after starting afresh..after  years..may be someone can relate to this..
"I was finding it difficult  to continue because of no significant improvements whatsoever in my professional life.."
This particular thought keeps on haunting me...and every ordinary person who somehow gathered  courage to start afresh after failures or years of no professional activity  at all...This gets into our nerves, we feel restless and irritated..waiting for something to click. Most of the times nothing movement in the success counter, it appears as if it is stuck on zero for us only...
When I decided to write my blog.."Myheartfultalks" , I felt strong and confidence  for sometime initially..I was motivated enough  to write  posts and thought I had much to write and share with people who are really struggling to begin with something....I  was giving my best..I was trying..I was not getting much audience response...I had minimal  technical knowledge...but I was learning new things every day as far as technicalities  were concerned...I am still trying..can not say how much..It is important  for me.. 
"I am on a journey  to prove myself to me".
After writing posts I was desperately waiting for views..I felt restless..I was annoyed..fear of failure was again really ,really frightening  me,I was feeling  damn frustrated..,I was checking my page views over and over again..,waiting for comments or some kind of audience response was much awaited..I needed  their feedback and appreciation  desparetely..but nothing was happening....After two months I even thought of giving up..but some how didnot do so..I am still trying..will continue to  try..
I shared this only because I want to say is please hang on..donot quit..Let's  see..Honest effort never gets wasted..we will make a way out...
But the thing is in absence of success  we can drive motivation from the fact that atleast we are a somewhat  improved  version of what we are yesterday ..we can keep reminding  our ownselves  that at least  we are improving..we are on the path of self improvement..What  we are doing is our own stuff,we own it..whatever little we will achieve it will be our own..I personally feel its just a matter of time ..we can not stop now ...Please donot stop in between ,keep trying..😊😊😊

Failures and success in life..

Namaste everyone,
Life is full of uncertainty, we have been listening  to the fact that ,Life is Uncertain... nothing is in full control , we just have to go with the flow..but  we really begin to feel it when we grow up..We make a lot of plans for the future...we plan and we expect  better things for our  future...Its not that everytime bad things happen..but more or less its different  from what we really  expect or want...
There are different  categories  of people according  to their different  mindsets..
1.People who are getting success  in their lives in one way or the other , keep on moving..They do feel a sense of purpose .They have something to look upto on daily basis..
2. People who are some how contented in whatever they have ,they feel no need of any accomplishment..they feel satisfied..(this category of people are very very less).Uncertainties do not bother them..
3.The third category of people have nothing significant to talk about..They have not achieved anything till date..but they do crave  for it,but do not find a way out...They lack purpose  and are continuously suffering from a strong feeling  of unworthiness..
Actually it seems that most of the people in their life have been in this third category for at least some time..Fortunately  some found a way out..and others still continue to be there ,hanging..
Uncertainty is part of every body's  life..Its not that the successful ones don’t  have their share of problems or they donot feel low or they donot fail..but they do not allow circumstances  to take over their lives..and they continue no matter what....they find ways, uncertainty bothers them but does not stop them from moving ahead towards their goals...
In life its always the survival of the fittest..and in today's  world  I feel only head strong  can survive.. Believing  in our own selves is the key but the most difficult thing to garner ,if we master that..success is assured..sooner or later..Usually the ordinary ones stop trying after  à few failures...and even stop trying.When they are uncertain or unsure about the results..they fail to perform,their insecurities come into play ,they feel lack of confidence, ,fear of failure and fear of judgement from others scares them. Instead of exposing themselves to this test of judgement by others ,they choose to simply quit instead of  hanging in there ..They continue to live in this fear and  simply stop dreaming...because they no more believe in themselves...They are definitely shattered to the core with the failures and disappointments they suffered in their lives..Everybody knows failures it emotional or financial..The thing is  there are so many barriers in the way towards success of any kind...One who decides to overcome them or treat them as lessons in life can move ahead...
I personally feel we all may be ordinary but are still special in some sense...we may be of no value for most of the people in the world but we are special and most important for  very very few..That's what matters..
We may have failed many a times but  we can succeed if we keep on trying...
“Success is not final ,failure is not fatal : it is the courage to continue that counts.”-Winston Churchill.

 “It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all, in which case you have failed by default.” —J. K. Rowling

Relationships without Respect..2

Namaste everyone,
This is my second post regarding Respect in Relationships...I donot know whether I am totally correct  or not..but I do truly feel that how can you sustain a relationship without respect for each other???..You love a person but you can not give the due respect to him or her..this thing appears silly to me..We may not like a lot of things about  each other,but somehow you decided to be part of a relationship..If you are losing respect for each other,it is certain that sooner or later the so called forced relationship  will find its way to the end..What is expected of a partner  from the other is you should not hurt the dignity of the other.. especially  in front of others..some people think atleast you should act respectfully in front of others..I do not see any justification  in this also respect is something  you have to give at all times..its not that  something you have to act or pretend to do...If one person cannot  give respect to the other individual as part of a relstionship just  walking  away is the correct choice...because this disrespectful  behavior  is not a one day thing it happens over and over again without any apologies  or regrets..
People hurt others without any justified reasons, reasons  are endless..but the abuse continues. Disrespectful behaviour starts with one individual's self proclaimed thought of superiority over the other..which is noway healthy for any  realationship..A healthy relationship is made from equals and not from two different  individuals  with one having an assumption of being someway somewhat superior to the other with the exclusive rights of hurting the other,insulting him or her in any possible  way, making them feel insecure, feel inferior..
Disrespect and any kind of abusive behaviour is unacceptable, everyone preaches that..But what is the way out..because relationships  usually  donot break on any particular day's behaviour..they break when  abusing the other becomes the part of everyday life,in endless different ways ..
Now comes the reality check, who gave this unlawful inhumane right to one person to hurt other person's dignity over and over again..continuously from  days months and years..The answer is obviously the weaker person ,due to their whatever personal reasons or weaknesses  they  kept tolerating the nonsense abuse of the other..The weak declared  themselves  helpless idiots who have nowhere to go ,so continued this fake relationship..due to the fear of society or financial constraints  or any other reason..but accepting abuse of any kind  can never be justified  by any damn reason.. I do agree  with the fact that compulsions are there but they never give the other person  right to treat others disrespectfully..
Atleast we shouldn't  encourage  this kind of behaviour against  anybody including our ownselves...We have to raise our voice against this  unacceptable behaviour before it creates never dimininishing scars in our lives,leaving us weak ,underconfident and insecure individuals..that forget to live life and simply continue to exist without any aspirations or dreams...

Relationships without Respect..1

Namaste  everyone,
Relationships are easy to make...I am focussing here on relationships  between grown ups..We as adults sonehow  feel attracted towards eah other and fell into relationships..I am not saying all relationships  can be disastrous  to  everybody's personal well being..but they can be... if there is no mutual respect among the two..I am not at all gender biased... Attraction happens..and is of course inevitable..
I feel  relationships  fail mainly because  people  do not treat their better halfs with equal respect...Problems arise if any one of partners starts dominating the relationship because of the following possible reasons:

1.May be he or she is more qualified  or earns better and the  other partner earns less or does not  earn at all.
2.May be because  any of the one has better looks.
3.May be because the one of the partner belongs to a better family background..
4.May be because one of the partner 's nature is as such.
5.May be because  one of the partner is deeply inecure and dominating..
6.May be because one of the partner has noway to go because of his  or her  financial conditions or even social pressures. 

Reasons are endless..and can differ  from person to person..“What I am deeply concerned  is who gives the right to one of the partner to treat his or her better half disrespectfully...
One of the partner can be less educated,can earn less or have a failed professional life..but who gives them the audacity  to treat the other  badly ..They keep on verbally abusing the weaker one (as they assume it)..
The underlying assumption usually for this kind of hurtful  behaviour  is the assumption  that the other person  will not go anywhere because  of social or financial restrictions.“
Disrespect is not all in any relationship..basis of adult relationships  is equality..but without respect for each other how can we expect equality..Every relationship is flawed.. No one is perfect..Everybody has some weaknesses be it emotional or financial..but "being in relationships both the partners are expected to support each other both emotionally  and financially..which ever way possible..people in relationships  should complete each other..should make each feel wanted ..not that the one person should make the other person feel like a burden or a liability..Relationships are not liabilities,  everything in relationships  are done out of other reason drives it..but if one of the partner  starts feeling superior  to the other..he or she will definitely  turn disrespectful to the other...
Be respectful to your partners , they may be weak,underqualified ,not so good looking..or whatever weakness the other may have..Please  become each other's strength..and help  each other  overcome their weaknesses  and accept them as they are but with utmost respect  and equality...🥰🥰🥰
My following  posts are further related to respect  and fakeness in relation 👇👇

A Life worth living...

A Life worth living...

Namaste everyone,
Lives of ordinary people are  not that flamboyant and full of success stories..We do not have a story of Rag to Riches as well...we fall in the category of  pretty average kind of life.
Average average..we call ourselves average in everything..average life style, average looks..average aspirations...average everything..but do we  know the reason or do we even ever bother to do anything about it.. The answer is a obvious "No"...
"Hum log khud apne aapko average samjte hain..lekin expect karte hain ki, others should think highly about us,without really doing anything about it..."🤔🤔our strange expectation from ourselves..
We all have been given a life worth living..but we never bothered to live,  we simply the furniture of our house..we are there ,we are somehow useful..but not something that someone can not do without..
We wasted many years doing nothing...or managed  to live in whatever little we already had..We never thought of really achieving  something..we never tried something new..we never tried things we would really love to do if we were not having social  pressures.(I am not at all telling to run away from responsibilities  and your present life)
We never lived because we either never find anything worth  doing mainly because  of our own incompetence or never gave importance to living life to the fullest..
Life is always worth living, loving and enjoying... Everybody in this world has their own bunch of problems..
The problem is not others but we ourselves..we are indifferent  towards our own growth..we never gave importance  to the fact that life is not infinite..we all have a limited predefined  amount of we all keep postponing living a healthy  lifestyle or to the minimum going for a walk..we keep saying,"kal se start karenge" we will definitely start tommorow..
When we give least importance  to health related things how can we exoect pur ownselves to do something really related to self growth and learning..we never want to come out of the comfort zone  of our so called ordinary lives..we feel not only unworthy for a better life but also think of a thing we can do without..
We should not forget that as time passes, so does years simply doing nothing significant..We keep on giving excuses,after a particular problem passesin life another emerges ,If we wait for all problems  to simply vanish  away ,its never gonna  happen..(My problems were like when kids grow up I  will start,when  the courses will be free or on discount then only I will join..when my maid will start coming then I will start,when we go to  hometown then I will start,when kid's vacations will start,then I  will definitely  start)..but never started and wasted so many years that now I personally  feel  many things I would otherwise  would have loved to do ,I  can not do..due to my age..or health  issues ...
Please donot waste your lives by waiting for all problems  to get solved before making a start..We  have to begin from somewhere, sometime then why not now???
Life is worth living ,everybody in this world is atleast worthy of doing whatever  they love to do or are passionate about..So follow your instinct,follow your dream and  make the best of this precious  life of yours..and "Let's  prove to the world that Life is worth living."🥰🥰

Remembering failures..on the roof top...

Remembering failures..on the roof top...

Namaste everyone,
Today a weird  feeling cropped into my mind,I had gone on my apartment's  terrace for a walk in the we can not go anywhere in these Corona times..I very rarely go for a walk on terrace..but weather was very awesome , as everybody knows about the beautiful  Bangalore was very cloudy as well.. instead of walking I thought of simply standing in one remote corner of the terrace..I was just staring the dark black clouds ..wind was chilling and hitting me hard on my face...and along with them came all the bad memories  of how low I felt when ever I failed ..all the times I tried but could not achieve anything .. bad experiences that I had over the years of my life that I donot like at all..It made me remember, all bad decisions  I took..without thinking about the consequences that worstly  affected my life both personally and professionally..
Remembering failures is no way convenient and comfortable ..
"I really felt sad and a tear came rolling ....I was weak and vulnerable that time."
I thought I am noway near to what I really aspired for weak I have become ,so underconfident..I saw darkness..all over..that was in my mind aswell, suddenly I saw bright yellow light coming from the was not that bright but it was there...
Along with that came the sounds of my kids calling "Mamma Mamma..,come we are waiting  for you.."
Suddenly I came out  of that shell of negativity  and darkness that had  engulfed   me  standing there..
This strong feeling  reminded me that  not everything is wrong in everybody's life..not in mine either..Something to love ,something to cherish for,something to live for, is always there..but with all that negativity that we are in ,we fail to see them or even feel them...I do have a failed professional  life, but I have my kids  and for them I am the best..and the most important..
Although this feeling is true to the core and nothing can be more satisfying  than this..but tricky part here is that  this very feeling is not  for ever..I am not saying it will  dissapear completely but will surely start to fade away as kids will be growing and becoming  more and more independent...
So ,what is the solution ???What  I feel is, we have to start focusing on ourselves,we have to take time out of our busy personal schedules..we have to take out time for some kind of self development ,self grooming  and learning.. It can be anything  but something totally focussed on our ownselves..It is important  and inevitable,  sooner or later we all will realise this ,so  why not start now...Think about it..🤔🤔

Carrying on with life is difficult...but worth it..

Carrying on with life is difficult...but worth it..

Namaste  everyone,
I wonder sometimes why it is so so... difficult for us especially the ordinary ones to  carry on...We are carrying  on not only in personal but also  in professional  lives...
In our personal lives we are always the adjusting ones ,the understanding ones..who are always ready to compromise  so that relationships  donot break..We are like this and we donot find anything  wrong in this,this  is part of our nature..but this is not at all easy ..Many a times things do get of control and it really gets very difficult  to carry on..We value our relations,they are very important  and inevitable  for us..we love them and care for them..this gives us immense motivation to carry on no matter what..
On  the other hand as far as our professional  lives are concerned  we are not that strong and highly motivated..we make it a thing that we can even do without(I am here more concerned about females who sacrifice their professional life for their personal lives).This sense  of least prioritising  our professional  lives over personal lives.. over the years not only spoiled our professional  carriers  completely but also label us as under achievers , unsuccessful  and unworthy  even in the eyes of those for whom we took all these decisions..These decisions that we usually  take , totally ignore our professional  life and  is not at all recommended...I know there are some important  years of our lives when we need to prioritize  our personal  lives..and professional  life does take a back seat.. but total ignorance  towards professional  carrier is a real bad we do to ourselves..We do carry on like this for years but sooner or later this  decision  of ours will start showing  it side effects..resulting in low self esteem,low confidence and degraded respect of our own self in our own eyes..forget about how low people also start looking at us because of a failed carrier..
Now even if we make a new start after  gathering  all the courage  in the  gets very very difficult to carry on..This struggle is real..We appear old school..we lack  confidence,we lack knowledge..we are not up to date.. our expertise  is also years old..and of course fear of judgement is always there as a constant haunter to us..Believe  me its true as I face it and continue  to do so...
One thing that keeps me going is the thought that when am quite good (as I personally  feel😊😊) and successful  in my personal life , its not because everything is quite outstanding in my personal life..but the reason is I have decided  to carry on..I prioritise  my relationships the most..they are my love and my life..So So...If   in a similar manner I decide to give importance and priority  to my professional  life ,I will definitely  be able to carry on..Over the years as we nurture our relationships..Everything is not absolutely  fine in relationships  also..but we do not decide to quit..then in this new journey  of ours ,of course  everything will also not be easy and comfortable..but if we decide to continue with the thought that professinal life is also important..(not for the money related things ..they are also of course important)but with the thought that it is solely  for our own self growth  and satisfaction. Sooo...Please  carry on..even if you are not getting any results or even negative results..continue your journey...atleast you will little closer to your destination  with each passing day..and will surely succeed 😊😊
P.S I started my blogging journey  a month ago and am not of course  that successful today..but I personally feel  ,if I can relate with any body reading this, one day I surely  will..😊😊

What are our fears??Failures,rejections or losing someone..

What are our fears??

Namaste  everyone,
Everyone in this world has some kind of fears.
Dictionary meaning  of fear is 'an unplesant emotion caused by the threat of danger,pain or harm'.
We ordinary  people have fears that really create a sense of unpleasantness in our minds  that if we express ourselves or start living for our ownselves or if we will start doing something  new ,we feel the threat of judgement by others ,that further leads to the  sense of danger  in the form some kind of insult ,verbal abuse or some kind of ruthless  statements  that really hurt our dignity  and self confidence and further leads to immense pain that is of course  not visible to any body..that harms us in numerous  ways like depression, low self esteem,lack of confidence and a strong feeling of unworthiness..We all do have fears of failures, rejections or fears of losing someone or things very close to us..We continue to live in fears for years altogether  only because of the fear of the consequences of our fears..In this long continuous  process we become  so emotionally  weak..that we forget to live,we just want to be part of the crowd,we can never think of trying  something new,we can not do anything that is beyond the set rules of society..We just want to please everyone ,we can never say "No" to anyone ,we will never let others know what is going through  our  minds , how insecure and weak we actually  become  we  have no idea about..
I personally  feel "Fear" is something  bad that we expect  that it may happen in future.
I am not saying fears are totally unreal..but the thing is till it has not happened or turned to reality , Why can not we just try to  turn the tables??..Why can not we try doing something about it..we feel the threat of judgement by others ,that further leads to the  sense of danger  in the form some kind of insult ,verbal abuse or some kind of ruthless  statements  that really hurt our dignity  and self confidence and further leads to immense pain that is of course  not visible to any body..that harms us in numerous  ways like depression, low self esteem,lack of confidence and a strong feeling of unworthiness.. We fear failure,but Why can not we work more harder?? ,try giving more than  our 100%,Why can not we prepare ourselves  for all kind of results??..Why can not we become mentally strong??..Why can not we have a Plan B,Plan C.....and so on..if Plan A fails...why can not we change our mindsets..Think about it..Let me know how you all feel about it..🤔🤔
Taking fears head on is not easy but it is definitely  not impossible ..atleast we can live life happily before anything bad happens as we actually  assume it to happen..With nurturing our self growth , our self confidence  can definitely  be boosted  and we become head strong to face life as comes to us .😊😊

My diary,my best friend, Day 2.

My diary,my best friend..2

Namaste everyone,
The day I started writing  my diary,I am feeling relieved a lot ,One funny thing I realized is that "I also talk a lot.." although in the form of my writings  to my diary.. Fear of judgement  is not there,I donot have to feel anxious  that my thought process does not gel well the contemporary  ways of our society 's functionalities most importantly, I will never hurt anybody ever ..That has always been my priority, that is the main reason I donot talk much or speak out loud or even speak without thinking and as a result of which I always present a polished version of myself..I never want to hurt anybody in this world ever..
With my writings  my sole intention  is to express my ideas and feelings in a free manner and noway intend to be rude or insulting  to others. One more important  thing ,I can easily  say 'No' to things I donot like ,I need not seek approvals  for every thing I do..I need not  pretend to be 'OK'all the time..I can feel sad  about things happening..I can tell how I actually felt about the loose comments people make on me ...without telling them.Although in real life also I do not bother much  but deep down I do feel offended in many ways,but I was never able to express in any possible  way..but now I can easily tell "My best friend,  My Diary". I  also do had a strong feeling that no body was really bothered also...
But now I am enjoying my freedom of expressing myself freely  and fully.. Sometimes what we actually  feel does not feel relevant to others..It is  possibly because thought process  of no two individuals  can be totally  same..I agree with this..we ordinary people often choose to not express or tell our feelings if we experience rude, unbothered or indifferent  behavior  from others.
The best thing about my best friend,my Diary is that I can clearly  pull my heart out,can say whatever I feel like saying..and surprisingly my silent listener will 100% agree with me ..😊😊😊Isn't  it delightful..that You really have somebody who never disagrees with you and  will always  have the patience  to hear you out any time of the day..And never complaints about anything..expects nothing..absorbs all negativity in our minds without passing a single abusive judgement..This makes me really understand why we all can become each others diaries..A life less diary can give you so much satisfaction  that nobody in the real word can ever give..It also gives a huge scope of introspection..that what have we become..all of us really..Think about it🤔🤔

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Feeling lonely at the end of the day... Namaste everyone, An average person  meets around 10,000 people in their life times...but fail to ...