Gratitude, Gave me a sigh of Relief.

Gratitude,Gave me a sigh of Relief. 

Namaste Everyone, 

Every body nowdays talks about Gratitude.I used to think I am not successful in any possible sense..I am pretty average or may be below everything I have..I am not  professionally successful..I belong to a normal family..I am not super talented or even talented in some sense.. I don't own a legacy or family fortune..What should I be thank

Gratitude, is my way of life..

ful for??What is this Gratitude?It is the sense of being thankful or having a sense of appreciation for things we already have or given to us somehow..

GRATITUDE... If we start feeling it, Feeling it from the Heart ..Our own rage against our own life starts to calm down.

When Nothing Else seems to work..and We  are surrounded by darkness of Failures...We feel Lost..We feel failed.It really gives a sigh of relief...Like Feeling Freah air...Like feeling Rain..Like feeling waves  at a  Quite beach ..This can go to the extent that  the only thing thankful for can be ,"Being still Alive"..It gives us hope to somehow continue. 

I may sound little sarcastic ,sad or depressed which I am...but this tiny feeling of Gratitude is helping me to  continue and It is a fact least for me.. 

Dear Readers ,try being thankful for tiniest things in your life that you really feel thankful for..and then just for a minute think of people that Even don't  have that..Suddenly things will start falling into place..You will start feeling hopeful that whatever mess is there in your life  that can be cleared..things will work out..It  is just a matter of time..

It  definitely makes us compassionate and fills us with empathy..It calms us and our disturbed mind because we start having the feeling that we also have  atleast something..

Some times we all are going to some phases in life where nothing much is in our hands..What else is our way out ..I myself used to get irritated, annoyed,sad and disappointed when nothing works out..Things get ugly..Be it in Relationships or in professional lives...But when We start looking  at a the thin yet bright silver lining around the dark cloud..

Dear Readers  ,I am not saying it is easy to see..But one thing that am sure is that It is there..But our disillusioned mind could not see it..or feel it..

It is definitely because of repeated failures at personal or professional fronts..but we  forget that Life Goes on..It doesn't not stop for us feeling sad about it..So why not look for things that make us feel alive and significant in some possible way..makes us feel what we really want to do and not we are forced to do... Such things exist in everyone's life .Some see it ,some don't..People who are able to identify the little little yet the most significant things in  life ,live life to the fullest and others just  kept complaining and simply  waited for life to just pass by..and expected miracles to happen..which never happen  and they  continue to live in their mindmade shells forever ..I have myself spent years in this mindmade shell of mine..And many of us still continue to do so..

Dear Readers, Please Don't waste your lives ,There is no age  or perfect timing for  making a fresh start...Just make a start ...

Why other people's opinion matter so much..?

Why other people's Opinions  matter so much..?

Namaste everyone,
We live with so many people around us,some like us  may be some donot..Similarly  we also like some and dislike others..or mostly for many people around us they are least bothered about our aspirations  but we are very much bothered  about their opinion about us..🤔🤔
But this thing is for sure..What they think about us, we exactly donot know but form so many assumptions  about it ,and sometimes  feel amazed with their positive responses  and when we get a negative response we get depressed or even a slightest  hint that they have something bad for  us irritates us  and disturbs  our mental peace..
We all are social people  and opinions  of others around us do affect us..
Controlling our emotions and reactions towards what others do to us and think of us is not a easy thing to master...but we have to master it  there  is no other way...
Other's opinions don't  matter

If we are really serious  about what we really want to achieve  or become in life..others opinions should  never have bothered us...
Specifically for ordinary  people with very low selfconfidence and a lot of insecurities ,it's really not easy...the only way out is to be not bothered ....but most of us including  myself do the opposite..We feel unimportant,we feel unworthy ,we feel unfit ,we feel annoyed ,we feel disappointed, we feel restless...we actually  feel all the negative thoughts disturbing  over mental peace totally...
The way out of this mess is the belief that other people's  opinion  doesnot  define us...
It was nothing related to them...They never know what we went through  or still going through..It is our journey...Their negativity  has nothing to do with our goals..but we ourselves  give them so much importance  that things that should be ignored completely take so much importance  in our minds that they start impacting our mental state and even our goals...
Other people never knew: What we exactly go through?? What are our feelings..??What are our aspirations...??What are our real dreams..??But they judged us on our failures but  they fail to see our efforts...
I personally  feel we should  not be much affected by their appreciations as well..they are as temporary  as their judgements that keep on moving up and down depending  upon our achievements in life..
Other people's  opinion feeds on our importance  given to them..more we give them attention  more big they become...and start affecting us badly..making us weak and fragile..
Dear readers ,we have to make choices here..Are we ready to compromise  our dreams only because  some people around us donot appreciate us ,donot  give any or even little importance to our dreams or even donot believe  that we can achieve  anything in life... their negative or positive comments  should decide the direction of our life???Are they the drivers of our lives..??Are we so much dependent  upon their  approvals  that we can not even take a step forward without it..????
The thing is  we ordinary  people usually make a lot of sacrifices, be it our dreams ,aspirations  or feelings..We do it out of love and sometimes as a responsibility but changing our life's path by only fearing judgements  from others or their opinions about us is not at all good for  the emotional health of a ordinary person..These fears  may not show any side effects  immediately  but with due course  of time...It will definitely  lower our moral ,It will deviate  us from what we truly  want to do, It will clearly indicate  a weak personality  filled with insecurities...and of course  a under confident  individual... But also these people who judged us badly way back on our endeavors,will be the ones who will label us failures for life...
The thing is, there  is never much strength  in anybody's  opinion  about us to stop us from following  what we really aspire is all about our own weaknesses...for sure..Stop blaming others  for your failures...
We should  rather use their judgements  as loop holes in us and try to improve  further but no way stop...We should  work even much more  harder because  it is about  our dream...😇😇and our dream is important  to can also go through  the following  post that describes  how important  our dream is for us👇👇

Can we forgive and forget?

Can we forgive  and forget?

Namaste everyone,

We all have experienced things done by people around us intentionally or unintentionally  that hurt us in some way or the other..

As a  simple and ordinary person and not having a successful  and busy professional life  we are mostly dependent on our relationships..and are very pure towards our feelings towards them.. We expect a lot from our relationships as we are totally committed  towards our relationships...

We have heard that forgiving people gives us immense peace and satisfaction..It may be true for some very big hearted people but not for ordinary people like us..This is my personal  opinion..Some may agree and some others will definitely disagree... Forgiving and forgetting comes into picture when we have to some how continue with the same person or people even after they committed things to us that were noway acceptable that too multiple times..... 

In our day to day lives we usually forgive each other for doing things that are usually done unknowingly or unintentionally...I accept that and am also in favour of forgiving when someone does something  wrong unintentionally or unknowingly...

My major concern is about people very close to us and when they hurt us that too multiple  times I don't see any justification in forgiving them...Actually  it was very difficult  for ordinary people like us to let others even  know that we will never forgive and forget the wrong doings  they did to us..Reasons being :

1.They were very close  to us ...

2.We ourselves never had the courage to express what we actually  felt about their behaviour towards us.

3.They were very important to us..

4.We kept ourselves in a illusion that we are also important  to them..

5.We thought we won't  be able to survive without them..

6.We will feel emotionally weak and alone without them..

7.We fear losing them , if we will tell them what we are exactly feeling about them..

8.Our relationship  will end..

9.We don't want to hurt them even when they are continuously hurting us.

10.We blame our ownselves  for other people's rudeness or indifferent behaviour.

11.We feel helpless and underconfident without them..

12.We loved them truly..

The list is endless..But one important  inference that we get from all above reasons is that I personally feel it is our own emotional weaknesses and insecurities that were responsible for making us tolerate behaviour that was not even forgivable or tolerable or even slightly acceptable .. I very well know we fall into relationships and want to continue out of love only ..There is no other reason but sometimes (am not saying all the time or all the people) people use their relationships  for their selfish motives and fake their emotions for the same..But one day or the other the other person  will definitely  realise the fact that there is only selfishness and no love..Infact love was never there..In that case ,I see no way out  in forgiving such people or forgetting their wrong doings to us..Atleast it is impossible  for totally committed ordinary people for whom relationships  are the only things they have..Relationships are our strength ,our motivation and purpose of life..

Deep down I also know it is very difficult to implement but we have to get out of it first emotionally and mentally.. Then only we will be able atleast protect ourselves  from this never ending emotional abuse..More importantly we are not the revenge seeker atleast getting out of a failed relationship is our only saviour. 

The whole thing revolved around the fact that even after knowing something was definitely going wrong but many a times we ignored and somehow tried to drag the relationship...We were fair towards the relationship but not towards our ownselves...

Dear readers ,in my opinion instead of forgiving and forgetting what bad others did to us, for their whatever own selfish motives , we should gather courage and mental strength  to not only throw such people out of our lives but also out of our minds... Otherwise we won't be able to come out of this emotional mess and we will be  dragging ourselves again into it..and will not be able to start  a new life ...We have to  be strong enough  to accept that  although something wrong people did to us..but we can not allow its repercussions to haunt us all our lives...We have  to make a fresh start...with lessons learnt..👍👍.

Finding myself in this chaos of life...

 Finding myself in this chaos of life...

Namaste everyone, 

What kind of mindset I have??

I mostly  felt sad, failed, uncomfortable, surprised,confused , insecure, underconfident, restless, purposeless and ordinary..but there was no way out of this..Chaos of life is overpowering me , now even important life events  underwhelm me..I feel lonely...Don't  want to share any feelings  with anybody..

 Dear readers,I have felt the above feelings and many ordinary people may have felt the same or still feeling the same way.. Reasons  for these feelings are both external and internal...but the thing that I also realised  very lately was that  our external envionment and things done to us by other people is not in our control ,they anytime unexpectedly  hurt us but how we felt from inside was the only thing important . It was our reactions to the external stimuli  that made our situations worst ,We failed to realise this basic fact and continued to live a depressed life...

I was myself never important to myself neither my aspirations..I felt no purpose and more importantly I  felt unworthy for any damn little thing...

Dear readers ,This above mindset is not at all good,You shouldn't fall into this trap of negative feelings and complexes ,they will not take us anywhere but simply drag us deep down into feelings of more and more worthless.. And surely we become worthless and purposeless with passing  time because we are not at all doing anything except for cursing ourselves and our negative situation... We have to get out of this negativity because it is not real but life is real and precious ...We just can not waste it ,sitting idle and thinking thoughts of unworthines and loneliness...

Work on yourself ,try to keep yourself  busy in things you really want to do,It doesnot matter how insignificant and silly it appears to others... While you are in transition state of coming out of dark zone and just beginning or I should say thinking of starting something new donot judge yourself so early and donot rush looking for results..Give yourself time and you can easily see imporovement with each passing day..Most importantly keep a check on yourselves donot let any negative feelings overpower you..

You are not unworthy

This sense of a failed life that we always had will definitely  begin to vanish with each passing day as you start focussing on yourself and your dream...Of course this will take time..but atleast you will be moving ahead and will not be  anymore stuck in your mindmade pool of negativity and sense of unworthiness..

Dear Readers , It's extremely  difficult to find a tiniest possible  peaceful space that only  belongs to you in this world unless you continue to live without any focus on yourself and your dreams..Think about It..Donot waste your lives....You are not Late, Just start..

Come out of your comfort zone...

Come out of your comfort zone...

Namaste everyone,
Living a failed life is easy ,we need not do anything, eventually  we will definitely be  livi g a worthless and purposeless life....I know  only being sarcastic  can not drive people or motivate them to do what they really want to achieve in life.
But the thing is to get a fruit we have to plant a seed, soil our hands, nourish the plant daily and when the right time or  season comes the plant will become a tree and bear the fruit ...Its not a one day process nor it can be achieved if we continue  to only think of getting the fruit but without planting a seed..
This is the simplest  comparison I can make with the lives of individuals who do have dreams but do not want to invest their time and effort  to it.. Although  reasons of  a stagnant life that lacks purpose can be  for example the person lacks  the courage  to start ,the person fears failure badly or is very underconfident..or is lazy enough  to come out of his or  her comfort zone to start afresh ..or can even have social fears  to restart but it's definitely  the worst thing we do to ourselves...

But if you really want to  succeed  you have to start coming out of your comfort zone...Only dreaming can not give assurance  that you will definitely  succeed..mind it you are no way near it..
Even if you are some of the few privileged  ones with lot of  parental fortune.. a stage will eventually  come when you will realise..I have to achieve  something  that is my own...
This is  the triggering  point, I believe once you start having that urge of achieving  something  that you really own you yourself  will drive yourself to your goal (of course  as a result of continous underlying  effort the  success  achieved  will be most satisfying  ever). This satisfaction  will inspire you move  further not stop..dream bigger..the main advantage of this is that it definitely gives life purpose to get up daily and  follow your dream...
I personally  had zero confidence  and no courage at all to restart..for me years passed like this..for me they were around 14 years.....I always had dreams to do something magical that really satisfies  me  deep within ,I want to own my dream completely ,I want my sons to feel proud  about their  mother..I want my husband to feel proud about his wife...
I  had dreams but never had the courage  to follow them  ...This  was my reality...I was never ever bold enough  to come out of my comfort zone..I was lazy...I was shy..I feared society, something was really disturbing  me.. but with the monotony  of life, a exact same daily routine and with my kids growing up.. I realised I didnot have any purpose  all my life...
Every thing I have is a real God's gift to  sons ,my family...our house..our assets,our apartment..but I don't  own them ,they  are given to me as a privilege...I know some people will say  we as house wives contribute in  all possible  and relevant  ways other than monetary ones.. we also have equal shares in households..I agree...But something  is really missing..
I would like to share a short story here..It was my son's  birthday and a very happy day for me and our family..My husband.. bought him an expensive  drone..and told him,"Can your mother ever buy such an expensive  gift for you,It's  me your dad who  can afford that for you"..May be (  I am giving him benefit  of doubt that he doesn't  mean to hurt me that way)this comment  was unintentional... but but but hit me so hard... deep within ,really I have no words to explain the pain  I felt..and so many years of endless day and night's contributions  vanished..I  felt unworthy...I felt the  ill effects of losing financial  independence due to whatever reasons..I was sad ,I was crying within but couldn't  express as it was my son's  birthday..but couldn't  sleep that night..
As days passed  I started  realizing  why can't  I make a  new beginning...I know I was not that active..or  extrovert types  that can easily ask for help and restart..I was definitely  not able to figure out where to start..I felt real darkness  as far as my professional  career  was concerned..I was not qualified  enough  ..I was not skilled enough..I had left my career years back.. Restarting  was not easy..but now that I have taken writing  and blogging  as my professional sole motive is to motivate people ...Please  donot lose hope at any stage of your life and gather the courage  to restart...It may seem impossible  ,but once you start things  will definitely  start  falling into place ..each day will be better than the previous... making a new start for yourself  is possible  for everyone. Dreams can be converted  into reality once you decide  to come out of your comfort zone...I am not telling  bookish things to you..If I can(the most ordinary  person) ,then you all struggling out there definitely  can..😊😊

Communication gaps.. in Relationships..

Communication gaps in relationships..

Namaste everyone,
I was thinking today ,many a times in relationships especially in grown ups or adults , we people reach a stage where we have nothing to say or tell to each other..we  try  to block all communication  channels with each other....
I know this does not just happened in a day or so.. reasons can be small or big..and problems can be both sided..but this is what is exactly happening ???Initially  even if we get annoyed for any thing mostly those were little little things  ,we will get angry or sometimes simply acted  that we are angry..we tried to talk ,hum baat karte the,ek doosre ko manane ki koshish karte the,baat kiye bina toh rah hi nahi sakte the but as relationships  get older with passing days , months and years people become so insensitive  to each other , what the other partner thinks(woh kya sochte hain),How the hell they actually Feel not pretend *kaisa feel kar rahe hain) ,What is actually bothering them( koi  baat unhen bother toh nahi kar rahi...),What are the reasons for them to  feel low..(woh kyun low feel kar rahen hain..) All this  usually the other partner fails to recognize..Reasons can be manifold..*iss baat ke reasons kuch bhi ho sakte hain..)I am not saying the other person will be  completely  at fault..but how come as partners,  people who have been  in solid relationships  fail to understand and feel what the other partner is going through..
Why the hell we start taking our partners for if they are there  and won't go any where..but this  total lack of compassion is further increasing  the communication gap between the two partners.. and weakening the relationship  to the extentthat nobody cares about each other (ki kisi ko koi fark hi nahi padta..)
If one one partner realizes the other one is in some sort of emotional trouble, than  half the problem is solved ..they can easily motivate and  comfort their partners that one of the partner who is feeling  low whatever may be the reasons can restart..Although it happens very rarely. The communication gap becomes so wide  that people simply stop bothering about each other..they simply donot care..
Actually I personally  feel if one of the partner is not working  this is quite disturbing and saddening for partner who is working  is busy but the other one is in emotional  turmoil..he or she might start feeling lonely  and depressed... they dont see a path ahead..because if  ordinary people are usually so much  emotionally  invested in their partners..this insensitive  behaviour  of the other is mentally  not acceptable  to them.. and  one more thing is that,  they donot have the guts to say  any thing..We should never forget communication  is the basis of every relationship. we should talk and express our feelings to each other..relationship  is not a  one day game.You did everything  right it's done for few days or months ,it's  not like that..everyday we have to conduct it in a manner cordial  for both the partners..
First.. we have to  make each other feel wanted  loved and important.. 
Second most important thing is , I always emphasize  on nurturing our own selves.. to become better joyful human beings so that ups and downs of relationships  does not affect us much..In every kind of relationships we have to give each other space ,everyone knows this fact.but we fail to understand the underlying importance of the fact that we as individuals  have to nurture our own selves in this space of ours.This is not only important  for our own personality development  but also help us to maintain a healthy relationship..We have to overcome our insecurities and then only we are able to communicate  to each other as equals..In addition as we are confident and happy individuals  we can be great partners and understanding of each other will be strong. Even if most of the ordinary people like me have not started nurturing  their own selves,they can start now..😊😊
Dear readers ,please donot have these feelings that doing something  that makes ourselves happy and joyful  is a selfish act..only happy and contented humans can be better contributors to relationships  and to the society  as a whole..this is my personal thinking..Hope you can relate with this..

Why to Force Someone To Stay?

Forcing Someone To Stay.. 

Namaste everyone, 
Dear Readers Reading my blog..
We all need our relationships as a backbone of our lives, we simply can not do without them...but things are not always as they appear...This is 100% true that we can not do without our relations... Relationships are our strength and inspiration for moving forward in life but broken relationships  also have huge negative impact on emotional well being  of simple ordinary people..who  are very much emotionally dependent on them..
But the thing is forcing people to continue a relationship  is a absolute disaster..we do not only do to ourselves  but to the other partner  as well..
It is absolutely  fine to make certain compromises or adjustments to make a relationship  work..but when such a stage comes ,when any one of the partner  has to compromise his or her self respect that too multiple  times just for the sake of continuing  the relationship is not at all acceptable..

If love ,care ,trust and respect are not naturally  part of a relationship and we all the time have to force things to happen...something is definitely  wrong...
Everything is so natural and easy in a pure relationship.. Loving ,caring ,respecting  and giving importance  to our partner can not be dictated  or forced ,it very naturally flows through ,if both the partners  are  totally committed and are in love..
"Forcing  someone to stay..even after knowing that what are the feelings  of the other is hurting our ownselves  more and more.."
In a forced relationship we expect things that can not be fulfilled obviously because there are no real feelings and as a result  we continue to become more and more emotionally weak..
There is no love when everything is pretended and artificial ..
Forced relationship results nothing more than disappointments,agony ,depression, hate and sadness..because person who is forced into the relationship  will never be able to meet the emotional expectations of the other..
Further disturbing our mental peace...we are expecting a person to take care for us,noticing  our little little things,respecting us ,trusting us and valuing us but we very well know that he or she does not even love us in the first place..Isn't it worst possible behaviour we are doing to ourselves...🤔🤔🤔
Forcing people into relationships is like  polishing and painting a fully rotten thing.. It may look good for sometime but eventually things will clear up..We have to get over our own insecurities and somehow gather courage to move out of a forced relationship..This is for our own protection..because forced relationships usually  turn abusive either  emotionally  or may be physically  as well.It may appear tough initially, but it is for our own good...
Neither we should be part of such a relationship nor by any means force others to be a part of it...This failed relationship will bring absolutely no happiness to any one accepting the real feelings of each other as they are and not forcefully is the only solution..
Nobody can make another person love or trust or respect the other person..if he or she does not have those feelings naturally...He or she may pretend it but those pretensions and of course the relationship will be shortlived and very painful...Accepting the truth is the only way out..It will be definitely difficult for one of the partner whose feelings were true..but with time this walking out will truly be beneficial for both the individuals involved...
Dear readers,although we ordinary  people are very much involved in relationships as they are very important for us,but once repeatedly knowing the disinterest of the other and his or her indifferent behaviour and real intentions, it is our responsibility towards our ownselves to get over it and start afresh..I know it is not easy but staying in such a relationship is even worse..We have to come out of it somehow..A failed  relationship is not the end of everything...In my personal opinion it's definitely  a God's way of protecting us..😇😇

My life,Without Me.

 My life,without me

Namaste everyone, 

"Seems strange and annoying  but is a truth that we ordinary people live a life that is purposeless but more importantly we live a life that has nothing to do with us or our aspirations..."

"Am I  living a life, without me?"Looking for answers of strange questions like this disappoints us but usually we are not able to find a way out..

Strange but absolutely true,this has been our only way of life..Nothing bothered us initially..Living a life that has nothing to do with ourselves will sooner or later result in big void in our own lifes.. Think about it..🤔

Sometimes we get natural realisations and many times we get forced realisations by others that keep on reminding us of our purposeless ordinary life..

"When it is self realisation it is not as painful and insulting as it is when people undermine us,insult us or abuse us or fail to recognize our contributions because usually people value and respect monetary contributions  by others in their lives.."

Dear readers,"Time will fly away ,years will pass..Start valuing yourself... Nobody else can do it for you....Following a dream, doing what you really love to do and feeling happy doing it,is no way acting selfish.."

We just have to  start making efforts on self grooming and development..We have to move with the time, we never improved or worked on ourselves for years altogether,we are still with our qualifications and skills that we acquired years back..So it clearly indicates we are incompetent and incompatible according to today's world..but if we have decided to restart and we are serious about our dream and our dream is important to us , instead of judging ourselves harshly we should start working on own ourselves...

Working on ourselves  requires a lot of effort and determination.. In addition to this we have to get ready for the harsh judgements of the world and fears of failure...Because we have been inactive professionally and have been living a pretty ordinary and simple life without any aspirations or dreams..We never thought we are capable  enough..This thought was the only major hurdle in the way of our own dreams as per my experience and thought...

Strong Determination is the only  thing that can drive us  to our goal..Commitment and  a desire to prove ourselves to our own expectations and then to the world can imbibe immense energy and motivation in us...😇😇👍👍.

You can  read my below post as well for the importance of having a dream in life.My Dream is Important To me.

Alone as always....

Alone as always....

Namaste everyone,
I know something wrong is definitely  going on in our heads..when we start having this feeling that we are "Alone as Always..."
Life is full of failures and disappointments for weak and underconfident  people..It's a truth and I have felt it...but some how we continue...but actually we are not achieving anything ,not even reaching anywhere.. It appears as if we are simply wasting time and our own precious life doing nothing. We are just passing time by wasting it..
Sometimes this stagnant life of ours makes us  feel like a unfit for the world..We start feeling lonely...
Alone as always ,becomes our life mantra..These saddening thoughts keep on coming and we keep on demeaning our ownselves unless and untill we take real charge  of our lives...
Dear readers, life is not meant to be wasted, living a purposeless, meaningless life..I have been through  this feeling  of lacking the real purpose  in life for years...For simple ordinary people like me it is  not something  uncommon...
It's  not that we are suffering  or any thing like that..but a weird feeling that bothers us is  that ,What is our own worth ?What are  we good at?What have we really earned in life? What is the purpose of our life?

Answers to all the above questions  is nothing... absolutely nothing..😕😕
I know it is not easy to accept a pretty much failed life and getting along with it, is not easy.. sometimes we spend years without realizing  it like dumbs,  but once this feeling of unworthiness crops up in our minds, it really makes us very helpless and restless..
But instead to slipping into these depressing thoughts we have to somehow get over it..We have to start doing something fruitful.. something that  makes us happy,contented and little more confident about ourselves..
Working on ourselves ,working on our interests, and enhancing them is the only way out..It will definitely  not happen suddenly but if we will not start, it will never happen for sure..It's  difficult, very difficult..I admit it but not impossible...On our way we feel Alone as always...but slowly  and gradually with some simplest yet brightest feelings of accomplishments  will fulfill all the emptiness... within us..with continuous hard work and not loosing hope on ourselves...
Forget about the world it was us who were really responsible for our  own downfall,we ourselves left our own aspirations, desires and dreams far behind in life...
It is also true that we all are alone in our struggles...but we have to gather courage not for anybody else butfor  our own selves...😇😇
I personally  feel restarting after many years and living a simple purposeless life makes us so very underconfident  that we feel so hesitant to share our own thoughts ,feelings  and aspirations   with anybody else..Fear of failure and again going back to our stagnant,   monotonous and purposeless life scares us..because  believe me restarting was very difficult  for a ordinary  person like me... and we are no way mentally ready to face  failures again... at this point I  may not have achieved  anything,but hope is still alive..and I am putting  efforts..Hoping that my readers will relate to this.💞

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Why Do We Feel Alone At The End Of The Day?

Feeling lonely at the end of the day... Namaste everyone, An average person  meets around 10,000 people in their life times...but fail to ...