Forcing Someone To Stay..
Namaste everyone,
Dear Readers Reading my blog..
We all need our relationships as a backbone of our lives, we simply can not do without them...but things are not always as they appear...This is 100% true that we can not do without our relations... Relationships are our strength and inspiration for moving forward in life but broken relationships also have huge negative impact on emotional well being of simple ordinary people..who are very much emotionally dependent on them..
But the thing is forcing people to continue a relationship is a absolute disaster..we do not only do to ourselves but to the other partner as well..
It is absolutely fine to make certain compromises or adjustments to make a relationship work..but when such a stage comes ,when any one of the partner has to compromise his or her self respect that too multiple times just for the sake of continuing the relationship is not at all acceptable..
But the thing is forcing people to continue a relationship is a absolute disaster..we do not only do to ourselves but to the other partner as well..
It is absolutely fine to make certain compromises or adjustments to make a relationship work..but when such a stage comes ,when any one of the partner has to compromise his or her self respect that too multiple times just for the sake of continuing the relationship is not at all acceptable..
If love ,care ,trust and respect are not naturally part of a relationship and we all the time have to force things to happen...something is definitely wrong...
Everything is so natural and easy in a pure relationship.. Loving ,caring ,respecting and giving importance to our partner can not be dictated or forced ,it very naturally flows through ,if both the partners are totally committed and are in love..
"Forcing someone to stay..even after knowing that what are the feelings of the other is hurting our ownselves more and more.."
In a forced relationship we expect things that can not be fulfilled obviously because there are no real feelings and as a result we continue to become more and more emotionally weak..
There is no love when everything is pretended and artificial ..
Forced relationship results nothing more than disappointments,agony ,depression, hate and sadness..because person who is forced into the relationship will never be able to meet the emotional expectations of the other..
Further disturbing our mental peace...we are expecting a person to take care for us,noticing our little little things,respecting us ,trusting us and valuing us but we very well know that he or she does not even love us in the first place..Isn't it worst possible behaviour we are doing to ourselves...🤔🤔🤔
Forcing people into relationships is like polishing and painting a fully rotten thing.. It may look good for sometime but eventually things will clear up..We have to get over our own insecurities and somehow gather courage to move out of a forced relationship..This is for our own protection..because forced relationships usually turn abusive either emotionally or may be physically as well.It may appear tough initially, but it is for our own good...
Neither we should be part of such a relationship nor by any means force others to be a part of it...This failed relationship will bring absolutely no happiness to any one accepting the real feelings of each other as they are and not forcefully is the only solution..
Nobody can make another person love or trust or respect the other person..if he or she does not have those feelings naturally...He or she may pretend it but those pretensions and of course the relationship will be shortlived and very painful...Accepting the truth is the only way out..It will be definitely difficult for one of the partner whose feelings were true..but with time this walking out will truly be beneficial for both the individuals involved...
Dear readers,although we ordinary people are very much involved in relationships as they are very important for us,but once repeatedly knowing the disinterest of the other and his or her indifferent behaviour and real intentions, it is our responsibility towards our ownselves to get over it and start afresh..I know it is not easy but staying in such a relationship is even worse..We have to come out of it somehow..A failed relationship is not the end of everything...In my personal opinion it's definitely a God's way of protecting us..😇😇
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