Finding myself in this chaos of life...
Namaste everyone,
What kind of mindset I have??
I mostly felt sad, failed, uncomfortable, surprised,confused , insecure, underconfident, restless, purposeless and ordinary..but there was no way out of this..Chaos of life is overpowering me , now even important life events underwhelm me..I feel lonely...Don't want to share any feelings with anybody..
Dear readers,I have felt the above feelings and many ordinary people may have felt the same or still feeling the same way.. Reasons for these feelings are both external and internal...but the thing that I also realised very lately was that our external envionment and things done to us by other people is not in our control ,they anytime unexpectedly hurt us but how we felt from inside was the only thing important . It was our reactions to the external stimuli that made our situations worst ,We failed to realise this basic fact and continued to live a depressed life...
I was myself never important to myself neither my aspirations..I felt no purpose and more importantly I felt unworthy for any damn little thing...
Dear readers ,This above mindset is not at all good,You shouldn't fall into this trap of negative feelings and complexes ,they will not take us anywhere but simply drag us deep down into feelings of more and more worthless.. And surely we become worthless and purposeless with passing time because we are not at all doing anything except for cursing ourselves and our negative situation... We have to get out of this negativity because it is not real but life is real and precious ...We just can not waste it ,sitting idle and thinking thoughts of unworthines and loneliness...
Work on yourself ,try to keep yourself busy in things you really want to do,It doesnot matter how insignificant and silly it appears to others... While you are in transition state of coming out of dark zone and just beginning or I should say thinking of starting something new donot judge yourself so early and donot rush looking for results..Give yourself time and you can easily see imporovement with each passing day..Most importantly keep a check on yourselves donot let any negative feelings overpower you..
This sense of a failed life that we always had will definitely begin to vanish with each passing day as you start focussing on yourself and your dream...Of course this will take time..but atleast you will be moving ahead and will not be anymore stuck in your mindmade pool of negativity and sense of unworthiness..
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