Follow your dreams ,Time is running out..

Follow your dreams, Time is running out..

Namaste everyone,
We are ordinary people , the introvert kind,we are unexpressive and unimpressive..types..All these  traits I totally understand, we all have  felt  and lived with..but the thing is for how long we have to be like this.."Time is running out"..It is definitely the truth of life that, Time stops for none..we have already wasted so many days , months and even years of  our precious life with the feeling of no self worth or importance..I am not sure about what others think about us..but i am definitely  sure that over those low  times of ours  we ourselves  never thought good or appreciative  about  ourselves ..we feel like failures for the whole life,bloddy losers, who can not do anything..
I totally agree that we donot have a pretty  good track record..we have failed..we were miserable..I agree ,i was also the same..but for how long we are going to be like this..???Are we the immortal  ones, waiting for some miracles to happen..that will change our pretty boring lives into the most attractive and sort after ones.. No...definitely not..Stop disillusioning  your ownselves. We have to make a fresh start ,irrespective  of our age, gender ,qualification , looks ,family backgrounds, financial  status and whatever that limits us from doing what we really want to..
Some people may have the privileges of financial status or looks or a sound financial  background..but mostly people lack them..The one common thing that every individual  has is his or her ablity to work hard if they they are determined  to do so..It is definitely  not easy..,you must have read success stories of so many people who really worked hard  they believed  in themselves..even though  they failed many a times but they refused to stop pursuing  their dreams big or small..Hard work is the key, everybody knows this..but very less people make it the Mantra of their  lives..
The only way of motivating ourselves that works is feeling our goals in life to be as important as are air , water , food and if there is  some existential crisis ,If we donot feel the hunger of doing something  good for our ownselves , people around us, society  and world as a whole ..We never feel motivated enough.We have to feel as if we are out ot breath  without our goals..then only we will  feel motivated enough.. otherwise people like us will never change their way of thinking ,their lifestyles, their mindset..because continuous  rejections and failures in life have made us so indifferent  towards  our ownselves...The sense and feeling of existential  crisis  can act as a booster shot for us moving forward  with our dreams..We lack purpose of life..even if our thought pattern is not changing instantly, of course  it will take time..because this mindset was built over years..but ,let's  start with doing something good  for others as a special  task for revamping  our own lives ..Small small changes made to pretty  ordinary lives can make huge difference  over a period of time..I am pretty hopeful  about this..I am also in  a transition phase..I am also trying..I am not at all saying it's  goning to be anyway easy..but after making a start and winning the battle with my own mind that always told me that i am worthless and canot achieve anything..One thing i am  damn sure that desired results will be achieved..If the journey  is so exhilarating  ,than of course  destination will also be..I am myself seeing little little improvements  in my own personality  and confidence level is also building up..If making a start can work for me ,i am 100% sure that it work for even the weakest..The need of the hour is to gather all our energies in something constructive , joyful ,blissful or simply that brings a smile tand makes feel  happy..😊😊
Sadhguruji 's msg

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