Consequences of Financial dependence ..
Namaste everyone ,Today I felt insulted and offended by the answer of my kid..he was asked that,"What would he like to become in future..??"
He simply answered,would like to be like papa.. "not like his mother why ??"
The answer is crystal clear no body wants to live a professionally failed live..I am not telling this that a professionally failed life is a total failure, there are many other aspects also that qualify for a good purposeful life..My kids love me but they donot want to be like me..because my job of taking care of them ,family and our house is quite insignificant for a 10 years old..I am not angry with them.. but a strong feeling of lack of purpose sinked into me..I was definitely feeling depressed and of course I didn't let anybody know ,what I felt at that moment..
I am always of the opinion that nothing can be more important for me than family and our loved ones..but professional failure can not be ignored altogether..years passed like this..when I was in my Twenties I never wanted to do a job or have a career..
I now strongly feel and recommend everybody I know, not to sacrifice or let go your professional careers for anything..I know many a times circumstances can force us to do the same..but we should restart as soon as possible..
Emotional as well as financial dependence can be nerve wrenching..Even if we are emotionally vulnerable , having a personal financial security can save us..In our society also we have seen numerous examples of this..
I am not talking here of failed marriages or any related things.. but here am thinking of how to deal with lack of confidence and a feeling of low self esteem that comes into play when we donot have a running income or a career to pursue..
When I was thinking what wrong did I do to myself or what happened in life ,a string of questions I myself didnot bother to answer ,keep pouring into my mind.
1.When we have to buy gifts for our family especially our husband by taking his money only.😏
One day my husband said to my kids," Your mother can not afford to buy such costly gifts for you,its me who got all this for you.."
2.When ever I had to buy things for my mother, father ,brother ,sister and especially for my nephew and niece..I asked money from my husband..although he never refused ...
But now, "Connecting all the dots I personally very strongly feel this financial dependency is not good ,not healthy,it can be times..that one single time will be enough to destroy your self worth and confidence..
These things that I have felt do not matter when everything is going fine between husband and wife..but I know this can anybody..and all are not the lucky ones..
So we ordinary people will keep on waiting for these things to happen to us or do something concrete about this..choice is our own..
Why especially ladies who are continously facing domestic violence can not come out of it because they are not financially independent, so that they can not carry on their lives with their kids independently and are forced to stay because they donot have any money at all to sustain ...this is the worst case I am talking about..
What is the way out? The only way out is keep learning and upgrading whatever little skills you have about any possible topic..keep improving it and turn it into a living..😊😊and I just want to assure you it's not impossible..
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