Unchanged me...
Namaste everyone,
Thank God ,time did not change me..The only thing that was left unchanged with time was me.Life's ups and downs never changed me in the sense that ....
1.I never stopped trusting people...
2.I never stopped Giving my best to them...
3.I always kept Choosing other's priorities over mine..
4.I Never betrayed anyone..
5.Always I was ready for help..
6.Doing favours and not asking anything in return was my way....
7.I Never expressed myself. I never let people know how I really felt...
8.Always available attitude of mine..
9.I have never been disrespectful to anyone..
10. I was always been the simple,ordinary me that always wished good for everyone..Always prayed that I donot want to hurt anyone intentionally or even unintentionally...
11.Always adjusting even if required sacrificing my own interest..
12.Never asked for favours from anybody nor even expressed my desires..
13.Nil expectations from others..The only thing expected was respect and honesty...
14.Never had a dream for myself..
15.Never raised my voice against anybody..
My personality traits donot seem to fit in today's so called successful world..Some people might see this as a flaw in my personality and that I was foolish,naive and underconfident but for me these above things mentioned were my strengths but irony is my strengths could never made me successful more importantly I never changed with time..
I personally never agree nor I give any attention to other's thought process and perception about me ,It is my nature..I donot want to change...but One thing that I totally lacked and regret is that ,"I never had a dream of my own,I was always OK being average,I never recognized or realized that I was living a purposeless life and was not at all motivated to achieve anything in life...This was indeed the biggest blunder I did to myself..."
Change is difficult but it is definitely inevitable ...
Changing for good , mending your ways ,improving and learning with each passing day adapting to new environment is not easy for ordinary people but it is the thing we should definitely opt for..This is the need..As lately I also recognized our older ,ordinary and simpler versions donot fit in today's world..
The world where people value each other,give 100% to each other only out of love... Honesty ,integrity and commitment were the things people looked for in each other no more exist..It's not that every body is bad but selfishness has definitely taken over selflessness.. Priorities have changed..
After so many personal and professional failures ,still ordinary people like me find it difficult to change..
Dear readers,I am never in favour of changing your personality for the sake of fitting into the world but becoming strong and confident enough to face the world is inevitable...In absence of self confidence and atleast the courage to stand on your own be it professionally or personally you will continue to live a miserable and purposeless life..And this is a fact ...
The only way that may work for ordinary people like me is to
1.Work harder and harder without losing hope
2. Focus on Self improvement and grooming in terms of improving our skill set.
3.Maintaining a positive mindset and hanging on, no matter what.. is the only way out..
As I personally feel we can not change inside out..We can improve and learn but we can not change our basic nature....So ,Dear readers, Please donot change for the sake of others or for fitting in...but do improve and work upon your strengths...😇👍
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