I am there for you always,Are you there??

 I am there for you always , Are you there??

Namaste everyone, 

In relationships that are inevitable and integral part of our lives...when things don't appear to work out or something appears fishy.. We start feeling left out and alone...It is  a common feeling..

We  sometimes feel like asking our resspective partners that,"I am there for you always ,Are you there?" but but but ....we ordinary and silly ones are ignorant enough to not see the red flags..We are not able to see the absence of interest ,love and care in  our partner's actions ...Neither we express ourselves completely nor we totally understand what are other person's feeling..

We do have a lot of unanswered questions and lot many many things that require explanation and answers but in fake or forced relationships we get nothing,Absolutely nothing..

 Sometimes I used to wonder how come people who give 100% to their relationships get betrayed...🤔🤔but people who do this it is quite easy for them..This forces  to  make ordinary people like us to feel unworthy ,insecure and underconfident...but actually  our own emotions start  working against us.....Although we feel alone ,betrayed and lost..But this phase is definitely temporary..This tough emotional turbulence shall also pass...I know its easy preach than implement..

 "Betrayals done by others to us has nothing to do with us because quitting a relationship can be done in other better ways than cheating and infidelity.."

We do things out of pure love and commitment that we ourselves  donot find right and justified ....as a result we are left empty when things donot work well...Following  the right path be it in relationships or real life is the only way,any short cuts or wrong doings or selfishness will take us nowhere... To somehow continue in a relationship we keep on making compromises that no way make sense ,we sacrifice our self respect ,devote our time and energy but fail to see the absence of commitment, honesty and love in our estranged partners eyes..We are ourselves  blinded by our own emotional weaknesses...and continue to be guided by the emotion that we  cannot survive without the relationship...but when reality strikes hard and I  asked," Are you there for me?"
Answer came screaming  to me ,"No,No,No"...The strange thing is answers to such questions  are never direct for fake people in a relationship.. but they are obviously indicated more by their actions,gestures and comments..They are  making us realise in so many ways ,but I should  say It is our own weakness and blind faith that we fail to recognize....
We may not be best with how other people especially in a relationship with us treat us or judge us,but we are definitely  the best in how we are committed, how we respect them,how we treat them and how we love and care for them💞.
Dear readers,we have been taught  that if we do things with full commitment , integrity and purity ..the results will always be positive..But they failed to tell us that this hypothesis doesn't hold for fake relationships.. Because  there is another person involved..and lack of purity from his or her side  also matters..and defines the fate of the relationship.So please stop blaming yourselves for a failed relationship..Move on..Life has so much to offer if you start looking for it with open heart...😊😊😊

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