Comparing our own lives to others
Namaste everyone,
"As a very ordinary person with nothing special about us ,we never compared our life to other much more successful people around us..."
I am not at all exaggerating or saying something for the sake of getting appreciation or to any way prove something to anybody..This has been my thought process all my life and will always be... I must confess here ,although I never did any comparisons but I was definitely amazed by other people's lifestyles...I used to wonder how come they achieved so much in life..But I forgot the ugly truth that I was myself never bothered about my aspirations from life..I was rather ignorant towards my ordinary and purposeless life...Maybe we often say I was destined to have a pretty ordinary life...but question here is ,Do we silly people ever bothered about our ownselves??.. Now after years,I realised this..When I started looking forward to the purpose of my life,my achievements, my accomplishments and my earnings.... I not to my surprise, got "NOTHING" as the answer...Sad but absolutely true...
Dear readers, although I was always a late starter ..but I definitely want to say to everybody who is reading this that,"Please have a dream,follow it with all your heart ...Don't ever stop working on yourself no matter what circumstances or phases of life you are going through",
otherwise it becomes extremely difficult to start all over again after years of inactivity..This I am definitely telling from my personal experience of life...
But I very well know most of us feel depressed and uncomfortable when we compare our lives with others...this obviously indicates we are not satisfied we with what we presently have and want to become someone that we are not...
There is thin line between being jealous and envious about others...
Dear readers, I very well know that ordinary unsuccessful people like me have not achieved much but we do have some dreams and it noway implies that we want to become what others are..This is our own journey...When we will be successful in our own sense even then we will not become some other individual..we will still remain unique in our own sense as all others are in this world..but most of us forget this and in our life's journey accompanied with many failures we forget this and want to become something else and forget our own strengths and weaknesses in this blind race to become like some other successful individuals...
The most important life lesson that I personally feel is everybody in this world has its own timeline and a entirely different set of struggles..we all have to face ups and downs during different phases of life...Life never follows a preset pattern of struggles and successes for everyone, so how can we compare our lives to others when we are in a stage of unsuccessful life and someone else is pretty successful while going through his or her own set of struggles...🤔🤔
While seeing other people's social media profiles and photos of course something strikes in everybody's mind that others do have a far better life than us...It happens with all of us..We find their houses,career,lifestyle and even their family far better then ours and we subject ourselves to a state where we find our own lives meaningless, totally unsuccessful and obviously very very mediocre...
But we forget to see the hardwork made by others to achieve all that...I also admit that in most cases it can be a luck factor as well,I am not denying that ....
Even if today we are having a mediocre, purposeless and failed professional or personal life,can we not find a single thing in our life that is the best blessing we have and others may be deprived of??🤔🤔
When I personally started Looking for it ,I found many many blessings and the form of my children,my family..I agree that I was never successful professionally..but I do have a lot of personal things to cherish and live for..
But dear readers, this doesn't give me the liberty to continue to live a failed professional life and do nothing about my dream and aspirations that I compromised over all these years..Some people compromised personal life for professional and some others did the opposite..That's why I am saying no individual's life can be compared to the other..Even all children in a family have entirely different lives,although they were subjected to same upbringing and equal opportunities by their parents..Life is like that..
And moreover we never compare our lives to others when we are successful, these
comparisons come when we ourselves are on the losing side...This is human nature..Another important thing I found is when we are unsuccessful and ordinary we do all the comparisons and keep on piling all negative thoughts in our minds but fail to look for ways to get out of that situation..To improve, to learn,to navigate to positivity should be our priority, not to become better in comparison with others but with our own pastselves...
Dear readers,this is the only way out..otherwise these thoughts of comparisons will always leave us very weak,worthless and a failure for life...😕😕
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